$3.19 a gal

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    I guess I’d rather pay $2/gallon but $3.50 right now doesn’t seem “unfair” in any way. I can tow a 21′ boat 16 miles at 70 MPH for $3.50. That’s 22 cents a mile. To me that is a lot of “value” for the money. Particularly when you consider people spend $2 bottle for water or $20 for movie tickets without a second thought.

    Oh sure James go ahead and be logical about it.

    I’ll knock it off. More than anything I just had to get out of my system. There. I’m all better.

    Posts: 470

    At $5.00/gallon a lake home vs. commuting is starting to look like a hell of a deal.

    How come the light rail never goes anywhere I want to go? Maybe there should be a rail line up to Brainerd, one to the North Shore, and one to Alexandria for starters. Nope, instead it goes to the mall of America…like anyone wants to go there. Another thing, being as I’m complaining, how come so many people went out and bought Toyota Prius during the last gas hike, so they could “save on gas” and those are the same idiots that blow by me on the freeway doing 90 mph?

    Anyhow, I like Jon Jordans suggestion on making more money. Just how do you do that again???

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    It’s the same old rhetoric with gas prices…. yeah, I can afford $5.00 gas…. heck it can go to $20 a gallon and I’d be fine… not everybody is as fortunate as me. I don’t go to the movies, but I do buy bottled water @ $1.25 (at $2.00 your gettin’ ripped off)…. The more we talk about it, the more it is “speculated”… hence, drive up the cost of a barrel. Did anybody find it interesting, that they could spill all that oil in the gulf and the prices didn’t shoot up ??? Before they would blame a little “fire” on the deck of a rig and it would go up .15 over night or a hurricane temporarily shutting a well down would spike it a quarter…

    Pay to play

    Common sense would dictate, if Bush had nothing to do with gas prices, then neither will Obama. The $5 gas isn’t even here yet and look at us !!!

    big G

    Posts: 3010


    Everyone should be thankful anyone of us can go out today and buy virtually an unlimited amount of gas 24/365. Some countries that is simply not the case.



    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I think $5.00 a gallon is more of a goal than a prediction. They are going to do what they want anyway. If we don’t use enough gas then they have to raise prices to make a profit, if we use to much gas then theres a shortage and they need to raise prices to stop people from buying it.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    Wasnt it two summers ago when they predicted $4?
    It never got there because Americans were so angry at the thought. I think that has a lot to do with it too.

    Wisconsin hit over $4.00/ gallon in July of 2008. It was a great time to buy a big truck or SUV. I bought a Suburban on July 25th, 2008 and sold it December 17th, 2010 for $1999.00 more than I paid for it. Only put 14,000 miles on it though.

    I personally don’t see the majority of America paying $4.50 a gallon over a long period of time. People will find other alternatives. JMO.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I think some people are just a little too much into the conspiracy theories. Yes, there is some speculation (like speculating that the demand is going up) going on and other things, but it is still the basic economic concept of supply and demand. Prices dropped because the worldwide demand dramatically dropped. Now the demand is picking up again and prices are going up. And at some point OPEC will probably increase their output, or the economy will be driven right back into a recession (ummm…are we even out of it yet), and prices will drop again. I have read that it is expected the daily demand will be around 115m a day by 2030, but ‘Big Oil’ believes the theoretical max output will be around 100m a day (peak oil believers will tell you by 2030 or so the daily supply will be 20m less than today). Seems like that will be an issue if demand is higher than supply.

    On a different note but sort of on subject, I saw previews of a TV show called Boomtown that is about the discovery of oil in North Dakota and what it is doing to the small town over there. Looks kind of interesting. Starts 1/29 on the planet green channel.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Wisconsin hit over $4.00/ gallon in July of 2008. It was a great time to buy a big truck or SUV.

    Ditto. Bought my new Chev one ton in 2008 with $4.00 gas. Paid 1/2 price. Can still sell it today for more than I paid for it!


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Not sure if that ND town is Dickinson but…. we went through there on our way to our Elk hunt in MT last fall… made the mistake of timing it out to sleep over in Dickinson on the way home We normally stay in Glendive MT ,$68 for a Super 8 room… in Dickinson it was $128.. for the same crappy Super 8 !!! I asked, “why so high ?” she said, because we can get it !!! We stopped at 4 different places before we found a room, the town was packed. Then to top it off, we got up at 5AM to get back on the road, stopped at SA to fill up and get coffee…. at 5:30 in the morning, the place was PACKED !!! Big diesel trucks waiting in a line about a half city block long (luckily we were getting cheap gas) I went in to get a coffee, 3 cash registers going, I was about 10th in line in the short one !!! That town was hopping at 5:30 AM .. on a SUNDAY !!!!

    big G

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Not sure if that ND town is Dickinson but…. we went through there on our way to our Elk hunt in MT last fall… made the mistake of timing it out to sleep over in Dickinson on the way home We normally stay in Glendive MT ,$68 for a Super 8 room… in Dickinson it was $128.. for the same crappy Super 8 !!! I asked, “why so high ?” she said, because we can get it !!! We stopped at 4 different places before we found a room, the town was packed. Then to top it off, we got up at 5AM to get back on the road, stopped at SA to fill up and get coffee…. at 5:30 in the morning, the place was PACKED !!! Big diesel trucks waiting in a line about a half city block long (luckily we were getting cheap gas) I went in to get a coffee, 3 cash registers going, I was about 10th in line in the short one !!! That town was hopping at 5:30 AM .. on a SUNDAY !!!!

    big G

    Pretty typical for an oil town. I’ve seen it in various Canadian Oil towns. If you’ve never been there (or tried to find a room in one of those towns) you just wouldn’t understand.

    Last time we played that game, we almost didn’t get a room. There must be guys sleeping in their trucks every night. It’s nuts around 8PM when they come out of the woods looking for supper, drinks and lodging.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    Wisconsin hit over $4.00/ gallon in July of 2008. It was a great time to buy a big truck or SUV.

    Ditto. Bought my new Chev one ton in 2008 with $4.00 gas. Paid 1/2 price. Can still sell it today for more than I paid for it!


    I need to buy a couple houses.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    You can buy mine before I try that reverse mortgage thing.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    Anyhow, I like Jon Jordans suggestion on making more money. Just how do you do that again???

    Go work in the oil or LNG field they are booming or start your own business are a couple suggestions. With the proper business plan you can become very successful financially but you will have to take some risk and work hard to make it happen. My two favorite days on a professional level were the first day starting my own business and the second was cashing the check after selling it.

    Posts: 730

    You think gas is high?
    My wife is in the woodwork finishing business and she has a gallon of stain that costs $65. Have any of you bought paint lately? I’m glad our trucks and boats don’t run on that!!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I buy paint regularily and two years ago it was half of what it is now. You can spend $60 a gallon retail for the top of the line interior paint right now,,,but I’ve got to say this, it is very good paint. Even medium grade, but still good, is $41 a gallon retail. Im glad I get around a 50% discount on some of my interior paint. At that price I just give it too my customers for what I pay for it, that sells alot of jobs and they appreciate it, its free advertiseing for me. Anything oil related is going to be high. Last week I got the chance to buy an 86 S-10 small pickup for $450 and jumped on it and believe it or not its pretty clean with very little rust. I’ve been testing the milage and I’m getting around 27 right now. I figure I can pull my jonboat a long ways on $75 and I’m satisfied with that. I’ve been looking for one about 5 years and finially got one cheap enough to buy.

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