Cheap Internet

  • wilson1984
    Posts: 302

    Hey guys I’m looking at lowering my internet cost at home. Right now I have Embarq and I was just wondering what everyone else has/likes. I dont use the internet that much, just to check out whats going on at IDO and to check emails. I just don’t see paying so much for it.


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    I can tell you who you DON”T WANT.. Ace group.. Ace communications.. trust me you don’t .. I am paying $40 for 1 gig of speed.. for 3 gig its $70.. a month.. outragous..

    Posts: 395

    might think am crazy–but i still have dail up at home–netzero–cost $10 at month–for what I do works great

    sw wi
    Posts: 108

    if u live by a school or a library or something get a wireless modem and u can probably just pick up there signal as they are not under a password usually. BUT i am not sure if the filters schools and librarys use to keep kids from looking up porn will also be in place on your home computer?? not a computer guy. worth a shot. then your interweb costs u $0 a month.

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