looking for a lab pup

  • broncosguy
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I already posted on the hunting side, but not much traffic over there I see as over here.

    Anyone have any available3? have a friend that just put his dog down and looking for a Yellow lab puppy. hit me up with your info and I will forward it to him.


    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    what exactly is he looking for? how much is he looking to spend?

    Posts: 149

    Contact Tim Post (Moon River Kennels) @ 641-897-3111
    Humeston, Iowa. New puppies do any day now
    and they have Champion Blood lines. Not sure
    what the $$ is but Tim guarantees his pups.
    Tim has been in business for over 20 yrs
    and has ran and sold dogs all over the U.S.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    I know you said yellow lab, but my buddy has 2 black lab pups left that are 9 weeks old. I posted an ad in the classifieds.

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    I think Drew Evans was going to breed his Yellow lab. Maybe give him a pm to find out more info.

    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 209

    Yep drew would be the guy to call. he had Ella come see my dog. Hopefully all is well and pups should be ready late March early April. Hard to say what color she will have but my dog Jack is a chocolate and Ella is a yellow.Both dogs are GREAT hunters with champion backgrounds and are also both wonderful family dogs with perfect health….Drews # 507-421-2256…

    Hastings/ Northfeild,MN
    Posts: 179

    check out Cannon River Kennals website or contact them at 507 663 6143 or come see us at the St Paul sportsman show this wk end they have a great deal on puppies!!

    Posts: 60

    2 sperate postings on BISMANONLINE.com for AKC yellow labs under pets under dogs/ both sellers are in ND however

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    they are right i have breed my yellow with “pool 8 LAX” chocolate lad jack. I do not know yet if she is predo, but should be. she is a great hunting dog and family dog she weighs between 50 and 60 lbs her health is good and i have been in close contact with her mother father grandfather and two dozen of her siblings and half siblings all have been great dogs! my # is 507 421 7256 here is a picture of her one of the last days of the season this year, also a great duck dog.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    I already posted on the hunting side, but not much traffic over there I see as over here.

    Anyone have any available3? have a friend that just put his dog down and looking for a Yellow lab puppy. hit me up with your info and I will forward it to him.


    one suggestion you should listen to. only purchase from a reputable breeder, and at a minimum, regardless of breeder, i would make sure to get a health guarantee, and that the sire and dam have been tested for EIC, CNM, CERF, and OFA hips and elbows.

    regardless of “hunt” in the dog, the medical clearances should be a minimum. and anyone not willing to provide those things, i would turn and walk away…

    you are buying a living breathing thing that is going to be around for 10+ years, you do not want to get a genetically deficient animal, and have to go through the heartbreak of putting a dog down at a young age, nor deal with all of the issues leading up that.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    they are right i have breed my yellow with “pool 8 LAX” chocolate lad jack. I do not know yet if she is predo, but should be. she is a great hunting dog and family dog she weighs between 50 and 60 lbs her health is good and i have been in close contact with her mother father grandfather and two dozen of her siblings and half siblings all have been great dogs! my # is 507 421 7256 here is a picture of her one of the last days of the season this year, also a great duck dog.


    wasn’t trying to pizz anyone off, so i deleted the post. my opinion just got a little carried away.

    bronco – i’ll post up links to some litters for your friend. what is his price range, and how far is he willing to travel to get said dog?

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    MY dog and the sire are both healthy dogs and have no health issues in their family histories have been checked by vets for their eyes and hips on my end and for the breeding of a chocolate with a yellow or black with a white or chocolate with a black, i have called AKC, three different vets and 4 seperate breeders two of with have been breeding labs for over 40 years and not one of those sorces said there was a single problem with breeding dogs color too color…. (did the research after you warned off this) thought it was bullhonky then and now know it is. P.S. i’m pretty sure that a blonde human breeding with a black haired women dosnt produce a [censored] offspring…… BRONCOSGUY, if its health your friend is looking for or hunting or family dog i can help him out either by providing a dog for him or pointing him the direction of some other well known breeders……. sorry for my little blow up just don’t like it when somebody is trying too make somebody else look bad…… should have stopped with your first recemendation that at least was informative and helpful.

    sw wi
    Posts: 108

    get a mutt. most the time health problems are nill, they make good pets and if trained can hunt just as well. they can be bought cheap if not free. u get the best of both worlds(breeds). my lab pit mix is smarter than most people.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    I can’t believe someone would post something like that.

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742


    only purchase from a reputable breeder, and at a minimum, regardless of breeder, i would make sure to get a health guarantee, and that the sire and dam have been tested for EIC, CNM, CERF, and OFA hips and elbows.


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