FLW Angler Tony Strickland passes on due to Boating accident

  • Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    i feel really bad for his family, i pray that they will all be stron for eachother.


    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    This is really sad – apparently even a 21’ boat can have a bad encounter with a wave.

    I can remember being in friend’s boat when we going about 55 MPH on calm open water while passing a barge around the outside of a bend. Right in front of us a huge wave suddenly arose where the depth quickly shallowed to about 5 feet. We hit that wave and must have gone airborne for 20 yards. The boat almost caught an edge of the bow in the water when we came down but never flipped. It felt like getting our guts pounded out of our bodies, plus I believe there may have been some dirty underwear.

    Dave Gulczinski

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    Wow I thought I was the only one to pull something like that. I did that on pool10 several years ago with a little 340 Ranger I had(16 ft -150 Johnson) That was back when I was still invinsable(sp).Any way I am older ,smarter and have a bigger boat.Glad we survived to tell of it. were looking after us that day.

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