Am I Wrong???

  • gregstew
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    OK, Here’s the deal. The guys at work were goofing on me because….
    I LOVE to fish, but not a big fan of eating fish, and
    I LOVE to Deer Hunt, both Gun and Bow, but HATE Venison.
    (All Venison gets donated to hunting party or friends/family)
    ALSO- I HAVE had Venison a million ways and just can’t stand the taist.I know I’ll get some “You just haven’t had it cook right” responses and I’m here to tell ya I HATE IT!!
    So, is unethical for me to Hunt and Fish(I’m not stopping, just curious what you all think…)

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    No you are not.. other than the not liking fish part….

    Some guys play the Powerball lottery all the time, without ever winning… does that make them wrong ???

    big G

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    As long as you aren’t wasting the fish or game, and somebody eats what you harvest, I don’t see a problem with it. I give fish or game to my family and friends all the time. If your friends are like mine, most of them couldn’t catch a fish or shoot a deer no matter how hard they tried, and some try pretty hard. I figure its my duty to throw them a bone now and then.

    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    Great Comments. I release a lot of fish. I enjoy eating them but sometimes I like to just fish for fun. As long as the fish aren’t dying or your not leaving a dead deer in the woods, I don’t see any problems.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I don’t believe anyone should have to sit on the sidelines. With the food programs taking in venison and as you mentioned, family members and friends that like it, there is no reason for you not to get out and enjoy the sport in the great outdoors Tell your buds to do the twist sitting on a fork, they are the ones probably hunting for the wrong reasons. My guess would be they are part of the “brown it’s down” club

    I refused to purchase a WI Deer Gun tag this year but, I didn’t turn down the back strap that was delivered to my door

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    So, is unethical for me to Hunt and Fish(I’m not stopping, just curious what you all think…)

    I say no. Not if you enjoy it and don’t let the meat go to waste. I like to eat fish a few times a year (once a week would be too much for me). I don’t hate venison, but I definitely like beef better.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347


    No you are not.. other than the not liking fish part….

    I’ll eat it from time to time, just not a “Top10” food choise for me.

    (Y-Bones free) Northern is my favorite fish!!

    Posts: 496

    I love to fish. Grew up on Mille Lacs and to this day, spend many days on soft water fishing practicing CRP. I don’t eat fish. In fact , I don’t understand why anyone would eat anything that swims. Keep fishing!
    PS I also don’t deer hunt, but wingshoot upland birds in the midwest all fall.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I don’t see how releasing the fish would be unethical. As far as the deer, it isn’t wasted, so that isn’t unethical.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    I don’t feel you’re at all wrong in your thinking
    I enjoy fish maybe twice a year, I’ll furnish a meal for friends on request but even tho I’m normally out 3-4 days a week, I don’t keep any. jerr

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    As long as you aren’t wasting the fish or game, and somebody eats what you harvest, I don’t see a problem with it. I give fish or game to my family and friends all the time. If your friends are like mine, most of them couldn’t catch a fish or shoot a deer no matter how hard they tried, and some try pretty hard. I figure its my duty to throw them a bone now and then.


    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    NO, you are not wrong. Look at all of the tournament bass fisherman who wouldn’t eat a bass to save thier souls. As long as you are not wasting what you kill you go boy. And as for not liking venison, I HATE liver. my mother used to say that I never had it prepared properly. BULL CRAP. You could cover liver in ice cream and it would still taste like liver. Practice your passion without guilt. If we felt guilty about hunting and fishing. PETA would have shamed us into giving up uor outdoor persuits a long time ago.

    Posts: 470

    Not sure if you’ve considered this, but try preparing your fish and wild game differently than simply frying or grilling, or grinding into burger. Try making some chowder with your fish, or fish patties. Try grinding your venison into weiners or summer sausage.

    I love fish in any manner prepared, but I know how you feel about venison. I used to eat tons of it, but as much as I love to hunt I simply can’t stand the thought of eating a venison roast anymore….I make sausage, brats, sticks and weiners with all my deer and really like it that way. Might be an option for you, otherwise you can give it all to me!

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    I’ll bet that your co-workers that hunt and fish have lot of old meat in there freezers going to waste. The fish I like to eat are at the Friday fish fry. No cleaning or work.

    Posts: 1960

    I’ll bet there are workers at Hormel that don’t eat pork…….and there are bakers that don’t eat cakes…… are they wrong? IMO, that is the same as you killing an animal and letting somebody else eat it.

    As long as what you are killing is not getting wasted, I don’t think it really matters who is eating it.


    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    You can’t be unethical on the fishing since there are some places and some species that are only catch and release and they still allow fishing right. Take pool 2, or designated trout streams during certain parts of the year for example.

    As for hunting, I agree that you should not have to give it up since you don’t eat it. I know a lot of guys who love to duck and goose hunt but don’t ever want to eat them – they give them away. As long as the game is not wasted I see no issues.

    Enjoy the outdoors


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 113

    Heck yes it is unethical!!!!! I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

    Just kidding, just knew no one else is going to say it. But it definitely more ethical if you come on here and share all of you hot spots when the bite is on.

    Happy Harvesting!

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    Look at it this way, would it be unethical for a vegan to run a cattle herd and sell the beef to grocers so that it can feed thousands of people? Is it unethical for that farmer to enjoy working the cattle? NO!!

    The people that are giving you a hard time I am guessing are not fishers or hunters. They probably actually take it for granted where the food on their plates comes from, regardless if it was from the wild or pen raised.

    If you are donating the venison, ask the parties giving you a hard time to donate enough beef to the needy so that they no longer need venison donations……

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    OK, Here’s the deal. The guys at work were goofing on me because….
    I LOVE to fish, but not a big fan of eating fish, and
    I LOVE to Deer Hunt, both Gun and Bow, but HATE Venison.
    (All Venison gets donated to hunting party or friends/family)
    ALSO- I HAVE had Venison a million ways and just can’t stand the taist.I know I’ll get some “You just haven’t had it cook right” responses and I’m here to tell ya I HATE IT!!
    So, is unethical for me to Hunt and Fish(I’m not stopping, just curious what you all think…)

    Don’t worry… you ain’t the only one. I can’t stand venison or fish (or for that matter… any seafood). BUT… I have family that love BOTH. So… I don’t feel guilty at all. In fact… wife LOVES fish. So.. I will keep only as much as she will eat. I never fill the freezer. That way, when she wants fish… I have to go fishing to fill that need!

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    You’re good. Sounds like you work with some real red meat eating [censored] kickers that clean fish and eat em raw, two at a time even

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