Legal advice….fell on private sidewalk

  • farmboy1
    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Right, Wrong or the other, you need to take care of yourself and the knee. Go to the doctor and get the MRI. It may come down to your insurance company fighting with the business’insurance company. Either way, one of them should end up paying for this.

    And for the record, the reason for the large settlement in the McDonalds case was most McDonalds store had a malfunctioning coffee dispensor that was providing coffee at tempuratures above safe levels. They had been told numerous times to get these dispensors turned down to safe levels, and did not do it. This was when the large settlement that made all the news showed up. I am all for people taking accoundability for themselves, but in this case I feel the lawsuit was correct in the fact that McDonalds was wrong to not change their protocols after numerous problems.

    Sorry to Hijack. I hope you get the knee taken care of, and things turn out well for you. Please don’t listen to pug, he is just a computer geek

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    yeah but Obamacare is going to get repealed

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    You can say prick on here?

    I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express a few days ago (great breakfast, lost four layers of skin in the hot tub), but still cannot help out here. Not sure why I’m even posting except for the prick part.

    I smell another locked up thread coming, sorry!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    make sure your health care company is aware of the accident, give them the ammo to subordinate the claim. Your attorney friend is absolutely correct. Keep good records of who you spoke with and when, with both your health carrier and the business liability insurer. Get you knee looked at ASAP.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    yeah, thanks! It will all work out in the end. Not sure where the being drunk part is coming from?? This was at 1pm……I hope you know I was 110% sober!!

    Just another reason to drink. If you would have been tipping the golden nectar you would not have been hurt

    Posts: 319



    yeah, thanks! It will all work out in the end. Not sure where the being drunk part is coming from?? This was at 1pm……I hope you know I was 110% sober!!

    Just another reason to drink. If you would have been tipping the golden nectar you would not have been hurt

    Nor would I have spilt a drop if I was holding onto one when I went down!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    The crappies are missing you here on Pool 8 dude….hope you get back into action soon

    Posts: 319


    The crappies are missing you here on Pool 8 dude….hope you get back into action soon

    I’ve been missing them as well! I have snuck up there for 2 outings already this year…..but it’s been since the 23 of Dec (day of the fall) since I’ve been on ANY ice for fishing.

    SE WI
    Posts: 146

    Get the knee taken care of.

    If YOUR insurance company believes HIS insurance should pay,the lawsuit would be between the building-full’a lawyers YOUR insurance company employs,and the building-full’a lawyers HIS insurance company employs.

    Zimmerman, MN
    Posts: 174

    My dad just got stuck paying a medical bill for a work related injury, he filled out a form when he went in and the insurance company screwed him around for 2 yrs trying to decide if it was work related and then no one said anything about it for a while. Then one day he tried to switch clinics and they said they wouldnt see him cuz he had unpaid bills. So then he went to his boss and they said it happend too long ago for work to cover it. His boss ended up paying him for some vacation to pay the bill so he could go to the doctor.

    Posts: 1027

    I would do as the others said and get done now what you need to find out what is damaged, get it fixed and worry about the costs later. Don’t postpone anything. Surgery and complete recovery from it will take months to recoop from. Summer is coming and you need to get better for summer fishing! For now use the “RICE” method. Rest,Ice,Compress,Elivate. Ibuprofin 800mg for pain and inflamation.
    Had orthrosopic knee surgery 2 years ago. Depending on your age it will take quite a while to recover. Now I fell in early Dec. in the parking lot walking onto work.
    Found out yesterday from the MRI I crushed the top of the shin bone in the back of my knee in 2 places. Thought I tore it up too, but company doc said no. Seeing an orthopedic surgeon next week to know for sure and see what if anything can to be done.
    Good luck and push forward!

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