Scum I don’t understand

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    If you are looking for a happy uplifting thread, this ain’t it.

    I am one of the old dying breed, I read the newspaper everyday. One section is the Twin Cities and Region. This is where you find the major crimes and trial reporting. Each day I read about people who kill babies and little kids. Sometimes I can feel sorry for them, it truly seemed like a accident. Other times, and it seems to be more and more the people shake, throw, punch, kick little kids. Many times we are talking kids that are toddlers or barely walking. Maybe they cried, maybe they kept the guy away from the ballgame, maybe the guy just wanted to hit the crack pipe. The results are the same, dead little kids. Kids who never had a chance. Kids who never will make their mothers smile. Kids who will never know life.

    If you are one of these people, somebody who basically is a POS and has no motivation in life. Has no reason to remain in society, please do me a favor. Before you kill some defenseless baby, enlist in the service. Go over seas and die for your country. You will become a hero instead of the POS that my tax dollars will pay for to have you tried and jailed for life.

    Ok, my soap box is put away, for now.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    I feel the same pain when kids are hurt….

    But I’m pretty sure there are none of them here.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    I bet most of them couldn’t have read your post! Still a disgusting thought about that happening. There is no true justice for it either!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    I sure as heck would not have wanted to fight along side a POS like that in the military…. never know what they would do with a rifle in their hands… I don’t know what the answer is, but the military is not where they belong

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    We do foster care and see some of those kids that get hurt and thank heavens for them taken away. I makes you cry sometimes to hear the stories of the abuse they underwent. I just dont understand what gets into some of these POS people they need to be sterlized or just shot really makes you think sometimes….
    how good your life actually is

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Brian I don’t see a soap box. It seems to me if there were more of you, you would see a drop in that type of crime and no repeat offenders.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    G, I understand your thoughts on those people on the battle field. My theory was I would rather have them out there being killed then some good kid who just wanted to defend our rights and country. Think about it, we spend millions housing violent offenders, murderers, gang members. In the mean time we have friends and relatives going to serve our country, going to chase more scum and they end up killed or maimed. Maybe it’s time we convict and as a part of the sentence they get placed on the front lines fighting the other scum.

    You hurt a kid, I have zero sympathy for you, period.

    Oops, soap box slipped out again.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    I understand what your saying…. that would be ideal, just not realistic for todays army. I know there was a time, when judges would sentence troubled young men, to join the army or go to jail… most chose the army and made great careers, but I don’t think they were baby killers though.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    My FW works at a local hospital where they have to deal with some of the aftermath – it is really sad….

    Brutal for the kids – and – usually the biological reproductive units are not worthy of even being called parents.

    Very sad indeed.


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 113

    Couldn’t agree more. I teach elementary school, and you’d be shocked at what I have seen. Kids come to school with obvious signs that something happened to them and then they will make up a story to protect the very scum that did it. They are so scared to say anything that they just keep taking the abuse. All we can do as teachers is report the incident and try our best as a school to protect the kids. Social services will make a note, but they will seldom look any further until there is a file.
    Anyone watch the show “Dexter” on Showtime? If you haven’t, check it out. Every town could use one of those guys to help expediate the legal system once in a while.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya Brian I hear what your saying. This is another one of my pet peves, someone who abuses kids. My daughter was sexually assulted at the age of 7 by her school music teacher and with the way the system is trying to hide everything nothing ever happened to him, nothing. Hes presently on city retirement after years of abuseing many kids besides mine. Its a long long story and it tells you what people can do, the offender and the people who should take care of these offenders and don’t. This is the type of thing that pushes people over the edge and I’m with you, sending them to jail, if they ever get there, is too good for them, our kids shouldn’t have to suffer because a so called adult has something wrong with them. Its hard to trust a system when you keep seeing the same thing happen over and over. In my opinion some should definately just be sho-.

    Posts: 277

    3 things you don’t “F” with in a man’s world- his wife, his kids, or his home, period…. I just wish a few more POS’s would realize this

    Posts: 1960


    3 things you don’t “F” with in a man’s world- his wife, his kids, or his home, period…. I just wish a few more POS’s would realize this


    Like I have told my wife many times….if somebody hurts my family, I only have two honest requests:

    1) Pray that God has mercy on their soul.
    2) Remember me and come visit once in a while.

    It is truly that simple.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I remember we had a mayor who once said, “we need to be sensitive toward our criminals too”.
    Ya got to wonder when people like her get elected..

    I think we have a bigger problem than just the child abusers, my grandmother was beat with a baseball bat to steal her purse, even way back then all they got was probation.

    Drunken drivers kill and main people on the road and get off with little or no jail time, repeatily, the list goes on..and on..and on..

    Crime does seem to pay, and criminals are getting away with murder with only sometimes a slap on the wrist…unfortnately.

    Time for a change.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    As a father of four who started rather late in life, one of the things I was amazed by was the change in my thinking towards children and parenting. Was always a firm believer in capital punishment; now wonder if the list of crimes punishable by such shouldn’t be expanded.
    It boggles the mind to read what people are capable of doing to each other as adults, let alone children. Children are one of the last truly pure things in this world we’ve created, it can move me to tears to look at my own children and picture the things some other children have to suffer.
    To those who hurt, maim and kill children for whatever reason, practice a little selective harvest to improve the gene pool and take yourself out before someone innocent has to pay…the men and women of our armed forces don’t want you, they have enough to worry about.

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