If I can help answer any questions feel free to ask, we having been going into the BWCA since the late 50’s. My dad actually logged in the BWCA back in the late 50’s. We lived in Camp 10 a logging camp about 40 miles outside of Ely when I was a little kid. I have not been back up there in over 10 years but it is a beautiful place.
My dad and some of his friend’s hauled a picnic table on top of their canoe across several lakes during high water one spring to get it back in where we camp. That table was there for over 30 years, we had painted it several times and it was great to have a table until one year it was gone.
We do not know if some idiots burnt it or the Rangers used it to build a dump box, which was never there before that.
That was a great video, this video was taken on the river between the first and second lake that we put in on.
We go back in across Kiwishiwi, Square, Baskatong, Polly, Koma, Malberg, Fern or Frond depends on the map, and camp on Boze.
Very few people camp on this lake or even go in that direction because it is so far out of the way from the main trail.