Canada trip

  • lund03
    Southwest Michigan
    Posts: 6

    Thinking of taking a fishing trip into northwest Ontario and Manitoba for around 3 weeks after labor day in September. Pulling my boat. No real destination. Like walleye, smallmouth, pike, whatever. Anyone have any destinations, small lakes/rivers or large. Plan to stay mobile and explore.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Be sure to stop in and say hi to Tallpines Camp on Wabaskang! You can camp or cabin–great time of year for ‘eyes and maybe some lakers.

    Posts: 3681

    Red River at Selkirk Manitoba.Big cats BIG walleyes and its close to Winnapeg for the nightlife.

    Southwest Michigan
    Posts: 6

    Your suggestion is one place we do plan to stop. Have seen too many tv videos of the cats not to try it!

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