I have a sidewalk that butts up against my stamped concrete patio.
Its an icy mess.
Is there any deicer that wont hurt my concrete patio?
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I have a sidewalk that butts up against my stamped concrete patio.
Its an icy mess.
Is there any deicer that wont hurt my concrete patio?
I use the blue bag water softener salt on my concrete. It’s not stamped, but it’s been dyed and sealed. No issues for me so far.
I’m not sure that there is a good solution for this problem. As I understand it, it is the freeze thaw cycles that damage the concrete and any de-icer will increase the number of times it thaws and refreezes.
Hopefully I’m wrong but I’m afraid the damage may be done before you know.
Any de icer that does not have actual salt in it or if it does use as little as possible. If the concrete is under a year old do not use any type of de icer. When the salts melt the water, the water gets into the micro pores of the concrete then freezes and causes all the damage. A lot of how the concrete reacts has to do with where you are and the aggregate used in the making of the concrete. If you have a lot of rock with shale, no matter what you do your screwed. The best bet is to stay away from the salt/chlorides, and use sand.
All de-icers are bad. If you need to use them, sweep the salt off the concrete after the ice is gone.
Is there any deicer that wont hurt my concrete patio?
I have a sidewalk that butts up against my stamped concrete patio.
Its an icy mess.
Is there any deicer that wont hurt my concrete patio?
Sadly, there is none. Salt on anything is going to do nothing but break it down faster.
But if you are going to deice. I recommend using a top quality sealer. The Euclid Chemical company has a product called Super Diamond Clear. I have had very good luck with it and have used it on hundreds of jobs including those I’ve moonlighted.
If you’re sealing a stamped, stained, color hardened or etched piece, I would use Euclid Everclear sealer.
Either way, if you are using a salt on the concrete you will need to seal it every year or it will spall guranteed.
I have a sidewalk that butts up against my stamped concrete patio.
Its an icy mess.
Is there any deicer that wont hurt my concrete patio?
SUMMER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard yesterday, of a product made from beet juice that is not as corrosive and works at a much lower temperature
Calcium Chloride is easier on concrete than Sodium Chloride and seems to work better and last longer. Ordinance in some towns/cities, especially for fancy municiple sidewalks.
I heard yesterday, of a product made from beet juice that is not as corrosive and works at a much lower temperature
My brother fertilizes lawns with beet juice, begining to wonder what else that stuff is good for!
Wood ash soaks up the sun and melts the ice faster…One of the lawn care companies had a rep stop at my house. They offer “concrete safe and environmentally friendly” ice melt. I laughed when he said it – after all,we’re trying to LIMIT the amount of fertilizer that runs off into the local waterway,not increase it.
You can use salt as driveway deicer just sprinkle over the path..otherwise wood ash is also an better option which is an Eco-friendly and help in your garden if flow towards it.
Read more about it
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