PEET or Dry Guy Boot Dryer?

  • trophy19
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Time to go shopping….which brand is better for a basic 1 pair boot dryer?

    Cabela’s or are there other options?



    Posts: 9311

    I’ve only had peet and have had very good luck with them.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 38

    I have been using the same peet for the last 10 years without a problem. Tough to beat that kind of dependability.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Got some “off-brand” for Christmas a year ago and it had already bit the dust. I would stick with the PEET.


    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    I am going on 8 yrs now with my Peet. Get the glove attachment too. -Mark

    Posts: 9311

    I should add that i’m going on 10 plus years with my peet as well.

    S.E. Minnesota
    Posts: 69

    I have the full size Peet dryer and the portable size. I take the portable with me all the time. Both have been excellent units. I don’t have the glove attatchment for the larger unit, but it still works great for drying gloves.

    Eric Pomplun
    janesville, wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    PEET all the way. they work really well and a pretty durable.

    Willy Wonka
    Forest Lake, Mn.
    Posts: 161

    I have both the peets. My electric one is plugged in year around and has been for at least ten years. My other peet is a propane one and I use that at my hunting shack. I wouldn’t consider anything other than peet.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 237

    I love my Peet! 6 years and no probems. Just got a flyer in newspaper that Gander Mtn has them on sale for 25% off.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Go with the PEET brand I have had mine for over 20 years and it still works like the day I bought it.

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