another Suburban question, You were due another..

  • oldrat
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    Sorry for the questions.. I hope that they are entertaining .

    okay.. can your alternator Squeal like a water pump? early in the morning when I have the fans on and the headlights, something squeals like a bad water pump.. but if you turn off the switch.. it stops ,some time suddenly.. but other times slowly… BUT STOPS.. once I either turn off the headlights or turn off a fan.. it will stop..

    and it seems to go away completely once the truck is hot..

    help me..

    btw the kid had a oil line connector come off this weekend on my other Suburban while in Red Wing.. for those who have been scoring at home in your playbooks.. that was a cheap,, low cost fix.. but gave me nightmares until yesterday afternoon when I got the final answer..

    thanks again for playing along, and for your excellent advice..

    have a great Thanksgiving.

    the ol’ rat..

    South Mpls.
    Posts: 24

    Yes thats what will make that noise anyways..

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    yes it can and it sounds like it needs to be tested with and without load, sounds like it is going out, but you can take it in to most auto part stores and they can bench test the alternator for you….
    I had a vehicle that did that and found out it was the alternator, once I replaced that it stopped and worked great…

    Posts: 289

    Could be the belt slipping. Extra load from alt could be causing the belt to slip if the tensioner or belt are worn.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Yes, as mentioned take it to a parts store and have it tested no charge. I think that any bearing on it’s way out may squeal, may want to look at the tensioner too as those are known to go bad. If you can make it better or worse by doing something, that will point the way to what it is (i.e. move the steering, worse, power steering issue, etc).

    Posts: 449


    Could be the belt slipping. Extra load from alt could be causing the belt to slip if the tensioner or belt are worn.

    I would suspect the tensioner. Take your belt off (and inspect it)so everything can be freely spun. You should be able to hear or feel the offending part.Tensioners are more common than alternators.Replace belt as needed as well.

    Posts: 1027

    Like someone else said. Pull the belt loose and check the pulleys. They should all spin freely and not growl when you spin them.

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Could be the belt, but also have your battery load tested, it could be getting weak and not helping out with all that load you have on in the mornin, after the battery gets charged back up the alternator does not have to work as hard.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 57

    When vehicles are first started the alternator has to recharge the battery. With an additional electrical load such as a heater fan on “High” and head lights the load may be more than the belt will turn if the belt is old or wet. Whether the alternator belt has a spring loaded tensioner or a manually adjustable bracket the possibility exists for a loose or worn belt to slip and squeal. Since the squeal stops when electrical load is turned off I would doubt that the squeal is a bearing. A used belt can glaze somewhat and cause it to slip easier. I would recommend making sure the belt is tight (spring tensioner has adequate tension or alternator belt tension bracket is adjusted tight enough). A new belt may be the fastest and easiest cure.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    well I had the broken oil cooler line this week.. that was on the tow in.. and then we found out a brake line broke.. so we didn’t even leave the shop yard.. so I paid for all of that.. I told the mechanic ( Code 45 La Crescent.. A GREAT GUY TO DO BUSINESS WITH).. that the squeal can wait until monday.. and he agreed..

    and then there is BLACK FRIDAY.. gees.. how do you buy all of the thanksgiving meal and fix a truck and then go shopping ? who has that type of money these days?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531


    I finally , with the holiday, got the truck in this morning..

    Yippy.. just the belt.. my guy said that the belt was stretched.. how ? I don’t know.. its the second belt that I put on in about 3 years..

    so $50 later.. I am going on down the road..

    thanks again for your SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE in this instance..

    I knew exactly what to discuss and was ready for the consequences..

    thanks again guys. YOU MAKE THIS BOARD GREAT..

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