Ask and you shall be rewarded

  • fishinfool
    Posts: 788

    I posted this on general because some of you may recall my situation. Today was the first day my second oldest son deer hunted with me since my first son passed away 7 years ago. Brian the second oldest has always hunted with his close friends and I have always hoped he would go once with me but didnt want to get in the way of friends and good times.

    Today while sitting in the stand, I said to my oldest son in heaven that I didnt care if I got a deer but would like to see Brian get one.. At 1015am I heard two shots. Low and behold Brian got a 8 point mature buck…

    Some days ya just gotta say thanks and shed a tear over it, whether its coincidence or not, it sure makes your day and his.

    Enjoy the rest of the season folks, my tag is filled with happiness.


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    That’s fantastic! Beautiful Deer!

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    Very cool Congrats

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    That is awesome. I can relate to some degree. I lost my 18 year old son to a car accident in February. We liked to hunt pheasants together and of course I missed him terribly on opener. Opening morning at 9:01, a minute into the season, a rooster flushed and I dropped it with a single shot. I just had to shake my head and smile knowing that I was still hunting with Dustin even though he’s no longer with me in body.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    That is an awesome buck Jeff tell him congrats on a great deer!
    Thanks for sharing you story here with us.

    Posts: 788

    As Marbleye said, you just smile and shake your head. When you have more than one situation over the years of loved ones gone and things happening at the right time, you start to believe in the supernatural stuff alot more.
    Like BK had with dragonflys and his mother-inlaw.

    Its all in my head? Well it could be, but right now its in my heart and thats where it counts.


    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Way cool stuff right there

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