Opening Weekend Double!

  • kroger3
    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    I know this probably belongs on the Hunting Side but I would rather not cross into the Darkside…. A few people questioned the Hornaday SST shotgun slugs for knock down power, well here is 2 from over the weekend. Buck on the left was with a Browning Gold scoped 20 gauge at 138 yards (range finder) sneaking through the water and cat tails and was dropped on the spot and the one on the right was from a Mossberg 500 20 gauge open sights also at 138 yards (range finder) sneaking through the water and cat tails dropped on the spot! In the fourth picture one of the bucks was taken about 10 yards to the left of the orange dot in the field. Now its back in the boat and on the water!

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    2 great bucks congrats

    I thought the fishing side was the darkside

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Congrats on some nice looking bucks!
    These pics may belong on the hunting site but I’ll never get tired of seeing them here also.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    my wife looked over my shoulder at the screen and said out loud “Oh, he has a pair”

    Congrats on the bucks. Looks like some good steak dinners

    Posts: 788

    My,my,my , I must say “What a beautiful pair you have there” .. Been using a 20 gauge all my life and wouldnt part with it. Plenty of kill power…


    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Great looking bucks and good shooting as well!! How much did these boys weigh?

    My son shot an 11 pointer that weighted 265 lbs Saturday. I only got to see pictures- first time in 13 years we haven’t hunted together and he bags a buffalo . He’s in Nicollet tonight dropping off what should be a great mount.


    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 90

    Nice bucks congrats!

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116


    How much did these boys weigh?

    182lbs and 186lbs dressed

    Posts: 109

    I think you hit exactly the right side of the forum to post. Sounds like you got them in the water? Deer fish!

    Nice ones!

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