For you deer hunters out there check this out

  • jerrj01
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Buck Battle: St. Paul man captures deer fight on video

    Go to Kare11.Com and check this out.

    Remember this is Bambi all grown up.

    And good luck out there all you MN hunters.

    I’ve seen this live a couple times, but have never seen this quality of video.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Nothing like having it all right in your back yard!

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1178

    Looks like one of them there deers only has one antler!

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1854

    They should settle it like real men. Pistols at 10 paces

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Think I’ll score the first round a draw. With a warning to both for stalling.

    South Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 223

    Sure looks like one antler but gotta give him some credit for holdin his own one down. round 1 goes to solo rack round 2 draw acording my score card

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Looks like he’s gonna have to do a little yard repair after those two are thru !

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 275

    Thats awesome!

    I have seen two different fights this year in the stand. Amazing how powerful and agile those critters are and yet they cant figure out how to properly cross road.

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