Thanks Wade! Your pictures look good. Do you shoot in a “RAW” format?
Please don’t take this the wrong way,,But If you want the truth about your pic’s here it goes.
For one you have the color “Jacked-Up” so high to where it looks unnatural.
The lighting looks a little harsh. To much direct sunlight.
Did you do the “vignetting” on purpose? (Dark corners)
Here is more on the subject of vignetting.
Here is another good site for you. There is a ton of info on the subject of photography.
Keep up the good work,,,shoot more and shoot more often. (Just like a gun)
Here is one of a series I did a while back where the shots were taken at mid day in the cockpit of a sportsfisher. I didnt have much time to get these pic’s back to the customer, so I had to shoot it right then. The sun was very harsh, so I used a reflector to “Fill in” the shadows and another one to shade the subject a little.
Fill flash was also used for high-lights.
Also take note of the background,,,Its dull and dark. This helps bring out the subject and makes it “Pop”.
Early AM sunlight is best when doing work like this. Its “Soft” and will make your subject look a lot better.