Rigging a depthfinder in back of console boat

  • mike-g
    Posts: 556

    So, I’ve got a Vantage motor set up on the port of my Skeeter 1850. I use it enough (tiller mode) that I’m wishing I had a Humminbird SI/DI unit, probably 798, right in front of me (port side / stern), instead of craning around to see the 998c SI/DI on the console.

    I’m thinking a Ram mount somewhere in back / port side. Not sure if baitwell lid will get in the way if I mount it into the sidewall, of putting a Ram mount on the rail. I realize that presents possibility of it flopping around going across the lake. If mounted on the sidewall, and lid opening isn’t an issue, I could lay it down against the lid while traveling to next spot.

    Simply looking for advice / experiences with rigging this set-up whether on port or starboard side. Thanks in advance.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I would personally just drill a ram mount on the side gunwall of the 1850, next to that access panel. With a 3″ or 5″ ram you should have no trouble viewing the locator of your choice. You can then hide some of the cables through that access panel as well. I would remove the unit when trailering just to protect the investment.

    Or you could always use a ram mount and rig it to the stainless steel rails mounted ontop of the gunwall..

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    On my Alumacraft Navigator, I put a ram mount on the deck right behind the rod locker, and ran my cables into the dead area that runs between the side of the boat and the interior. I only ran an ethernet cable off my LSS-1 (lowrance) and power cable to that location. Since I only run a unit back there when trolling, I just run the down imaging from the LSS-1 so I didn’t need another transducer for that location. Not sure how the humminbirds are set up, but I sure like having that locator back there if I’m running the boat from the kicker.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    I would not be worried of it flopping around. The rear of the boat is the smoothist ride as the pivot point is the motor. Bow is the worst spot for a rough ride. -Mark

    Posts: 498

    I would go with the ram mount on the rail.No holes to drill. The aft of the boat is the smoothest ride

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    I have a ten inch lowrance mounted on the rail with a ram mount on my skeeter and have no problems with movement or being in the way. Cords tuck right in the back side of the port side rod locker.

    Posts: 556

    Thanks all.

    Jason, I had a similar setup with my Alumacraft TP. Had a Lowrance 522 “port” rigged on the port side that I could use if running the tiller. I’ve got a kicker (portside) on my 1850 as well, but find myself using the Vantage when hovering, slipping or moving slowly. That boat was easy to rig stuff on. Different with the 1850.

    The 1850 doesn’t have any rod locker port side, so utilizing the access port is a good idea for the wires. I’m leaning towards Ram / rails to start. I’d still like to be able to lay it down on baitwell door when shooting across the lake. I’ll look at things when the “Chiclone” stops blowing.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    I have a RAM mount on my rail of my 621 in the transom area and it holds a 8″ unit great in 3’+ waves on Mille Lacs and never slips at all. Why drill extra holes in your boat if not necessary? If you need the RAM model # let me know.

    Posts: 556

    Even going across the lake?? I see where the aft is the smoothest ride, but having a $1500 bucks standing up on a rails going across rough seas just doesn’t seem good, IMO.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    Even going across the lake?? I see where the aft is the smoothest ride, but having a $1500 bucks standing up on a rails going across rough seas just doesn’t seem good, IMO.

    Yes going across the lake at any speed in 4′ waves on Green Bay, Lake of the Woods, Leech, Mille Lacs. Believe me, I don’t go in because of the wind and it didn’t budge, very solid. There is a rubber strip included that helps grip the rail and also protects the rail from scratches. I cranked down the screws as tight as possible and after running all year it hasn’t moved a bit with a Humminbird 997. I would trust it to hold a 10′ unit equally as well. Best of all when I go sell the boat no extra screws holes for the new buyer to complain about.

    Posts: 556


    If you need the RAM model # let me know.

    I’ll take that model # from you. Thanks T.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    RAM mount model #233 bought for $16.99 at Scheels combined with a 2 1/2″ base with 1 1/2″ ball and 5″ arm. Here is a link: RAM Mount

    Posts: 556

    Thanks T.

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