fredbart St. PaulPosts: 372 October 17, 2010 at 11:52 pm #1269281 Carp Invasion May Prompt Changes to Waterways Michigan and four other states have filed suit demanding the closure of locks that connect rivers and channels to Lake Michigan.
Richard V. Somewhere over the rainbowPosts: 2595 October 18, 2010 at 2:44 am #904695 It looks too late to me. This map from the story you are refering to shows the carp with-in ten miles of the lake, including the DNA from them in several places as well.
Brian KlawitterKeymaster Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi RiverPosts: 60010 October 18, 2010 at 11:49 am #904705 Just one more reason to install a fish passage way around Lock and Dam #3.