The fact that nobody can show it in writing, bothers me. A simple blurb, no person may possess, either in their bag, daily or otherwise, at any time, no more than 4 walleyes from Lake Mille Lacs….. that right there should be written… rather than obscure laws like “unless noted elsewhere”… why would you even put that in the sentence, unless it actually applied somewhere ???
There are some exceptions to the daily limit being the same as the possetion limit. For example, this quote from the Fishing Regulations handbook:
“One exception would be the inland limit on yellow perch, which is 20 per day and 40 in possession.”
For Mille Lacs, the regulations say:
“2010 Mille Lacs Regulations
(including tributaries to posted boundaries)
Walleye: Restrictions or changes will be posted at public access sites and on DNR Web site.”
If you go to the DNR Web site, it says:
“Walleye: Release immediately all walleye 18.0″ through 28.0″; Possession limit is 4, with only one over 28.0”.
Effective Thursday, July 15: Release immediately all walleye 20.0″ through 28.0″; Possession limit is 4, with only one over 28.0″.”
So, although you have to dig a bit to find it, it does explictly state the possession limit for Mille Lacs walleye is 4.