1. Daily and possession limits are the same unless otherwise noted. Fish are in an angler’s possession
whether on hand, in cold storage, in transport, or
It is noted “elsewhere” that possession limit for MN is 6 walleyes, per licensed angler. They are in your possession, whether in your livewell, truck, cabin, back home, whatever, they are in your possession. When in your freezer, they are “not” in your daily bag limit(unless caught that same day)…. it is written very confusing, but is crystal clear to me. I can legally have 10 walleyes in my freezer at home and can then catch 2 more anywhere in the state, that 2 are allowed. I can have zero in my freezer at home, 6 at the cabin in the fridge (across the road from Mille) and can catch 4 more on Mille Lacs, provided the others were caught at least a day prior and could get the other 6 if I take another licensed angler with. You just have to get past what a Daily LImit is, a Bag limit and a possession limit. They can all be the same and all different, depends on the water, depends on special regs and depends on how many licensed anglers you have in your household, once they hit the fridge/freezer. 
big G