POWDER coat heat,dip,baked @ 350 for 15-20 mins and you have a hard as rock finish.. NO SMELLS like vinyl paints
If you have any further questions on powder painting jigs just holler …I do alot of them
DITTO I like to clean the eyes before I bake the paint on, doing this makes cleaning a lot easier and you will have less chips. I heat the jig head with my propane torch, depending on the size of head I will count to two or three quickly to preheat the head before dipping in the paint. Too much heat and they will pick up too much paint and the paint will run and drip or disform the jig head.
And on the baking’em note, please line the FW’s oven with some foil because it is a [censored] to scape that powder paint off the rakes and oven bottom I got nothing if o know what I mean
Oh, color combos : dip in first color for your top color, then dip in lower color, ie, yellow over orange…yellow over green, whhite over blue…you get the idea. ?
Thanks, I’ll have to give the “double-dip” a try on the next batch. I would also second that about the foil or something in the oven to catch the drips. I was thinking about just buying a small toaster oven to keep in the cave just for my jigs.
I have powder painted my own jigs for 8-10 years now and I always use th kitchen oven and have NEVER had and paint drip on the inside of it, nor have I had a smell stay in the oven.
If you use a toaster over cut you heat or time back a little ,it will help in not making the paint run.
In my mind if you dripping or running issues you are using too much powder paint.