2nd Research Bear Shot.

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    This is a little old news but just seen this again today. 2nd collared bear was shot near the Ber research center up north.

    Big deal. Im glad the hunters got there bear. I would imagine the reason this is in the news is due to some tree huggers trying to promote anti hunting BS. Some of the comments on this story are ridiculous. Someone even suggested bear hunting should only be allowed from airplanes to even the playing field.

    Bear shot.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1814

    I don’t understand why they do bear research anyways.

    Are they endangered or is the population declining?

    When there are bear sightings in the northern suburbs there are too many.

    A waste of money if the government funds it.

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099


    I don’t understand why they do bear research anyways.

    Are they endangered or is the population declining?

    When there are bear sightings in the northern suburbs there are too many.

    A waste of money if the government funds it.

    we have had sightings and pictures all over south eastern mn also…. as far west as owatona and south into iowa, i agree the bear population is fine why research?? any bear is legal too shoot back of from the hunter who put his hard earned time and work into taking his animal and putting food in the freezer for his/her family!

    Posts: 94

    I would think if one got shot it would just add to the statistis and information for the researchers. So… one out of so many bears are killed by hunters…more info. To say you can’t shoot one with a collar is pretty tough too. Two people I hunt with shot collared elk and didn’t know they were collared untill they got up to it. We brought both collars in to the DOW and the one was on the cow for 12 years and she was an adult when collared.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I would imagine the reason this is in the news is due to some tree huggers trying to promote anti hunting BS.

    That and the Bears have FaceBook pages with 100k friends.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Maybe they are researching bears so they can figure out how to make a bigger population for you to shoot.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Had a cub bear come through the campground. DNR was called. Upon showing up they started to question the witness who saw the bear.
    DNR “Was there a collar on the bear?”
    Witness “No, tags in both ears but no collar.”
    DNR “Was there a collar on the bear?”
    Witness ” Huh? I just said no collar.”
    DNR “Yes I know, but those collars are really hard to see.”

    So, tell me again how a hunter will know if it’s a tagged bear?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18389

    I’m hoping to bag an albino bear with a collar when I get my tag. A little circus skirt around its hind end would be a bonus!

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3468

    I’m hoping mine has a #54 jersey on it. Freaking Bears.

    Seriously, I’ve got just as many pictures of bears on my trail camera this year as I do deer.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105

    Thank God the darn bear doesn’t have to traipse around anymore with that darn collar thatput on him. He thinks he owns these bears. (Can we get a bull mot-icon with a ‘pile’ behind it ?) BS!

    I remember as a kid back on the farm, dad had culled two Angus steers from the herd and sent all the others to market. My sisters thought the ones he held back were their ‘pet’ cows (Ha)…about three weeks later at dinner, one of my sister asked dad where the two steers were? He said, “what the hell do you think you eating!”?

    That was worth millions. I was literally

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290



    I would imagine the reason this is in the news is due to some tree huggers trying to promote anti hunting BS.

    That and the Bears have FaceBook pages with 100k friends.


    If that is the case Jon I hope some one was nice enough to post a final picture of each bear with the hunter standing next to it. A shot to the heart is a much better way for the bear to go out than starving to death, freezing to death or being chased down and chewed on by a pack of wolves while it was still alive.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    If any of you think I am cold hearted about this issue Here is a quote off of a face book page of people trying to get a MN law passed to stop killing of collared bears.

    I hope we can someday outlaw killing any bear, but this is a good place to start.

    Hey MN DNR: Enact a law to save bears.

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Should take the collar and put it on bull in somebody’s herd…that would keep em busy tracking it ! Just imagine the data !

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1814


    If any of you think I am cold hearted about this issue Here is a quote off of a face book page of people trying to get a MN law passed to stop killing of collared bears.

    I hope we can someday outlaw killing any bear, but this is a good place to start.

    Hey MN DNR: Enact a law to save bears.

    I hate that you can’t join a Facebook discussion uless you join the group.

    I’d love to debate these people who like to “humanize animals”.

    Nature is cruel. It always has been and always will be.

    Just like the Coke commercials with the polar bears befriending the penguins.

    Yea right.

    Show me one polar bear in that situation that wouldn’t walk out of there with a bulging belly completely covered in blood.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    Those people scare me Kraig. I bet it wouldn’t even take a day after posting on that site that the death threats would start coming in or some clown would show up at my door. Those people are nuts.

    My mom is one of these nuts. She seems to think deer should be given guns so they could fight back during deer season. I told her that was just plain silly. Everyone knows deer are stupid and would end up shoot them selves.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    To quote what has been said elsewhere-“If you don’t want bears with names and collars to get shot,then stop naming and collaring them.”

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    You cant tell me they did not know this was going to happen when they stuck the 1st collar on a bear. If there where radio collars on the bears how did they not know they where going to baiting stations. On there web site they list almost hourly activities of the bear. What a huge and brilliant manufactured set up. They have people around the world watching these bears on line. Contests to suck school kids in and them blam. Dead bear.

    What a huge set up.

    Im a little P.O. about this this morning. Was talking to my son on the way to school today about this. He is 13. His comment was that they where talking about this in school and he thinks some of the animal rights views are correct. Bet Im going to have to talk to my girls tonight and get this straightened out with them to.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    collars and tags are like leg/neck bands on a duck. and i would shoot a duck with “jewelry” every chance i get.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Most of the monitored bears have brightly-colored ear-tags to make them more visible to hunters. Some bears also have brightly-colored tape or streamers on their collars. DNR officials recognize that a hunter may not be able to see a radio collar or ear tags in some situations.

    How many bears are actually collared? Anyone know the purpose of their studies?


    A shot to the heart is a much better way for the bear to go out than starving to death, freezing to death or being chased down and chewed on by a pack of wolves while it was still alive.

    That seems to be a bit of hyperbole.

    Personally, I don’t have any stake in it, so I am a neutral observer. I don’t think some of the views posted here make some of you look any better than people on the other side.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    maybe it was shot out of self defense?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Reading the posts on Facebook, I’m not too concerned about these folks. They are so uneducated it’s unbelievable. As a bowhunter, if an animal enters my “kill” zone, I focus on one thing. Making the cleanest ethical shot possible. For example, if a huge buck walks in, I refuse to look at the horns and my focus is on the proper shot placement. If a big bear walked in, I’m quite sure I wouldn’t be looking for a collar unless it had all the pretty ribbon. If I did happen to spot it, I wouldn’t shoot. Simple enough.

    There are 1000’s of bears in Mn alone. 6 collared bears have been killed by hunters since 2000. I wonder how many collared bears die of natural causes? How many are collared statewide? I wonder how much the bear population increases annually?

    Everyone should watch a documentary called the Pig Bomb. It’s a classic example of what happens when an animal population isn’t kept at safe levels.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Everyone should watch a documentary called the Pig Bomb. It’s a classic example of what happens when an animal population isn’t kept at safe levels.

    Wasn’t that about introduced non-native Russian pigs?

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589



    Everyone should watch a documentary called the Pig Bomb. It’s a classic example of what happens when an animal population isn’t kept at safe levels.

    Wasn’t that about introduced non-native Russian pigs?

    that was a great show!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    My hunting consist of shooting little clay birds without names and faces now a days….but that could change if the right opportunity presents it’s self.

    Shooting a bird with “jewlery” IS how data is collected.
    It’s hard to report a tag any other way.

    I’ll release a tagged fish even if I was fishing for food because I know more data can be collected.

    Radio collared bear? Assuming there is data collection going on, I would pass. ‘ell someone posted from Hudson just the other day they have more bear than deer on their trail cam.

    I doubt any of us hunt (bear) because we’re starving…so I would pass on it.

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    What does the regs. say? If it’s legal and you want the animal, then shoot. More data. I bet the reserchers don’t care one way or the other.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    I thought only wolves with collars were ok to shoot.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101



    Everyone should watch a documentary called the Pig Bomb. It’s a classic example of what happens when an animal population isn’t kept at safe levels.

    Wasn’t that about introduced non-native Russian pigs?

    Sort of… It talked about how the Russian wild boars are now cross breeding with the domestic pigs and creating a very aggressive and hungry critter. The main topic was how domestic pigs are suddenly pro creating at an alarming rate in the wild and destroying natural habitat at a rate they can’t control.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I did see some Alien Invaders show that touched on it. Apparently they (wild pigs) have been here about 500 years?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Apparently Columbos is accredited with bringing the first domestic pigs to this continent on his second voyage.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22198

    I like bacon &

    big G

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