A paveing question……..

  • Mudshark
    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Just putting this out here because there’s so many smart guys that hanging around…….

    15 years ago when I first bought my house, I still had both kids at home so I had to have parking for 5 vehicles(boat included)……
    So I took a piece of the back yard… ordered some gravel..(well not exactly some….1 yard )and spread out a 5-6″ layer….. over time it has compacted to about 3 1/2 to 4″.
    While it works well… winter is pain….the blower can really fling gravel ,so I was thinking about calling an asphalt company….BUT
    Being the tightwad I’m am (ya….I know Kev),I then remembered how the county made tar roads…A layer of gravel.a layer of sealer,and a layer of pea gravel….

    Does buying 3- 5 gallon cans of sealer…..spreading it out and layer some pea gravel make any sense?

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    They also use a roller on it. Also, I believe you’re talking about ‘sealcoat’ here.
    I’d be afraid of the pea gravel working loose and going thru the snow blower.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    I knew about the roller….I do have access to 500lb’er …

    Posts: 54

    No sense what so ever! Sealer is kinda like hair conditoner,only for black top.It puts in oils and chemicals and extends the life of the pavement. All you would be doing is wasting your $… Just my opinion and I am by no means an expert…

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    That’s kind of what I thought….but I’ve had a couple of guys say it might work….

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1001

    The county uses HOT tar that bonds to the gravel. Most sealers are very brittle and aren’t going suitable for your purpose – they’re more like a combination sunblock and dye to preserve your pavement and make pretty…

    On the plus side, your gravel will probably make a good base, unless you put in on loam, and then it should be taken up and base material put down or the blacktop won’t hold up.

    Good luck.


    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Yep….Looks like I’m calling a paving co. today….

    Thanks guys

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    Yep….Looks like I’m calling a paving co. today….

    Thanks guys

    Just to let you know that in N. Central MN, I just had a estimate done for black top and they are at $1.29 per square foot. It would be interesting to see what yours comes in at.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Might not hurt to check and see what concrete costs. I know a few years ago it was very similar.

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