We used Capt. Robbie Nevius out of Key West Pro Guides http://www.keywestproguides.com in late March March of 2008. I don’t know if you’ve been to Key West before, but they are located right on the edge of town as you are driving into Key West.
It’s been awhile now, but some things I recall about the trip. Our scheduled day to head out with Capt. Robbie was very cold and windy. We touched base the night before and he was very accommodating and worked around our schedule to get us out on a nicer day later in the week.
We ended up doing a 1/2 day trip and started out trying to catch a shark. Sitting there with four of us staring at a rod in a holder waiting for a shark to bite is not my idea of fishing. I had my wife and two children with, ages 14 & 10 at the time,and wanted to get rods into their hands. After about an hour of sharkin’, the Capt. took us to a wreck where we caught a few barracuda and a cobia. The cobia was great on the grill that evening! 
Looking back on the trip, my biggest suggestion for you no matter which guide service you use, would be to be very specific about what your expectations are. I thought I had communicated this properly with our captain, but apparently not. I told him the ages of our children and made sure he understood before I booked the trip that we spend a lot of time on the water as a family, and that the kids handle a rod & reel very well for their ages. I guess I should have reiterated that again the night before or the morning of our trip.
It was a great experience to be on the water in Key West. It would have been nice to have had a little more action, but we did catch some fish. The only other thing that bugged me a little about the trip was that Capt. Robbie had to bring us in a little early
because he had to pick up his daughter. As a parent, I understand those things happen.
Good luck and have a great time!