Childproof Life

  • love2fish
    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    When I was a kid, we didn’t have padding under our jungle gyms. We had rocks. We didn’t have safety belts on our swing sets. The whole goal was to get as high as you can and launch yourself into the atmosphere. We rode our bikes without helmets. Without shoes. Sometimes without clothes. We played in creeks, ran through abandoned houses, went dam sliding, jumped on trampolines, ran our go-carts straight into oncoming traffic, and played with BB guns, with half the time spent pumping them up cause we heard you could take an eye out. We parachuted out of trees with bedsheets, threw lawn darts at each other, and had no sun screen, so we got burned to a crisp. Summer oficially started when the first kid turned as red as a thermometer. Then we had peeling patries. We blew up Barbie dolls with M-80’s, we ran with scissors, and our Haloween costumes were made with asbestos.

    But for safety, our moms made us wait an hour after we ate before we went swimming

    Have a great weekend


    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Amen brother!

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    There are another 100 of those types of things that I could add to your list. Those things were just part of life and learning where I came from. Now, sadly, most of what you cited in your report is either illegal or very “poo-poo’d” upon by all the do-gooders in the world. You, as a parent, could easily go to jail if someone reported you/your child doing most of that stuff today.
    Oh well,… Kids today are better off spending 16 hours a day on Facebook anyhow – arn’t they? That’s much better and safer!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    ….and never saw a dog kenneled up or on a chain. They all ran free and none of us ever got bit!


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    They all ran free and none of us ever got bit!

    Myself and some friends may argue that one. There were 2 dogs where I grew up that were “run the other way” type dogs. Not friendly at all and prone to biting without provocation and so much as a growl.

    Other than that, life in Dresbach was as depicted in the first post. BB gun fights and all.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    also used to leave the house at sun up and did not come home until sun down without a cell phone, and if mom or dad wanted to know where we were they would make 2 or 3 calls and know exactly where we were and what we were doing adn with who, all the time knowing we were fed and taken care of without a worry.

    good post johnny ( so this is why you stopped over at my desk and asked me how to post on here. ) sorry had to out you bud.

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561


    Other than that, life in Dresbach was as depicted in the first post. BB gun fights and all.

    Don’t forget bottlerocket fights…

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    Don’t forget bottlerocket fights…

    Ahh yes, the bottle rocket fights with an occassional roman candle thrown in for good measure.

    Posts: 9

    oh and how about throwing cow pies at each other and making jumps for our 3 wheelers.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1448

    climb the telephone poles and swing across to the other pole

    sword fight with wooden sticks till somebody’s hands were bleeding

    ran across thin ice at the puddle until somebody falls through and laugh at them as they have to walk back home wet and sorry

    slide downhill on cardboards till somebody gets their scivies shredded

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5863

    You stated,

    “We blew up Barbie dolls with M-80’s,”

    How about a fire cracked in a coffee can upside down to be the greatest as to how far up in the air it goes,,,,, till my cousins hits the picture window!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    Roman candles=more fun
    Bottle rockets=harder to dodge
    Tennis rackets and rocks/small apples=pain but funny
    weak hand throwing contest=hilarious

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    I grew up in a family of 12 kids, big backyard that almost every kid in the nieghborhood gathered at for hours of outdoor games. If we had disagreements it wasn’t settled with a “timeout” it was usually a wrestling match til someone said uncle, then the games were back on again. We were also encouraged to go outside and play in the rain dirty and stained clothes were the norm where I lived. Hard to believe I’m a normal functioning human begin with morals of right and wrong, who has incredible memories of how great is was to be a kid when we let our kids be kids. I don’t think kids of today have changed that much, parents did.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Polish cannons, five steel cans stacked, a tennis ball, some rosenel lighter fluid, a farmer match, mounted on a bike. Acorn fights every fall.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Ah…yes, the good old days…I think its a miracle any of us made it…:)

    Now days the do gooders are raising their kids according to Dr Spock…well least till his kid committed suicide..
    And now we have a generation of irresponsible kids screaming me me me…un huh…give me the old days when a parent could actually raise they’re kids with out worrying about getting sued.

    Al…who grew up in the 60’s and had a great time…well, least they tell me I did…:)

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