So the FW and I are at a picnic hosted by the realtor, ReMax, who we bought our house from when we moved to La Crosse 12 years ago – – I guess they still like us. When we were finished eating and visiting with some people at our table we decide to go get some of the ice cream they were offering. On the way past a table about two rows from ours a gentleman says (I think his name was Gary? My memory isn’t as good as it once was) “Mike do you fish a lot”? and I smile and answered “yes, I do like to fish”
and he tells me that he thought he recognized me from IDO and the posts that Bret and occassionally, I post.
So we visited for a while about fishing, of course, waters that we’ve fished, shared some stories and of course I encouraged him to sign up as a member. Gary had some nice stories about fishing with his grand kids this summer at Moose Lake (a lake Bret and I will be visiting in October)and was on his way to watch a couple of them play hockey.
Gary if you are reading this it was really a pleasure meeting you and your wife and visiting for a while and I encourage you to sign in as a member and share those great stories you told me.
Once again being a member of IDO has opened up opportunities to not only meet some of the very nice members I’ve met and fished with but also meet other people who like viewing the website and who just like to fish and share information and stories about fishing.
Sorry for the long read but it was just too cool of a story not to share.