
  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Yeah, I am bummed I was an early adopter with the Droid lineup. Used my new in 2. But just think of what the phones will be like next year!

    One feature I was looking forward to with Froyo was the 2 extra home screens. The funny thing is after I re did my home screens, I forgot I had the other 2 until just the other day.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thought I’d grab a random Droid/Android post for this.

    So I have the Droid and the 2.2 update. The tethering option is not disabled. I tried tethering to my home computer, but with XP you need to install something first.

    So today, I decided to try it on my Vista machine at work. I have an unlimited data plan and have had one for about 4 years, previously with my Windows mobile device.

    This is what pops up when I try browsing the web.
    Not so fast!
    The one thing I hate about Verizon is they’ll squeeze you for every penny you got. I could care less about the wireless hotspot feature. I mean, I am not interested in paying for something and then letting any stranger within range to use it. This is ridiculous.

    I may have mentioned this before, but it took me forever to find a phone from Verizon that allowed WiFi access. They disabled it for most of the phones on their network.

    Thanks for reading.

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