Just For Fun Guys !!!

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Below is a reply I made about a question about livewell problems and I got side tracked thinking about the persons user name [Skip Class N Fish] and I rambled on and on I guess. Well, I thought it would be fun to tell and read about peoples skipping school times to go fishing. No I’m not trying to encourage our school members here on the board to practice what they learn here but its getting close to spring and fishing fevers are running high and it could really be fun to hear everybodies stories. What do ya say? Wanna have some fun?!?
    Thanks, Bill

    Re: Dumb Question About Livewells
    #92882 – 02/21/04 09:33 PM Edit Reply Quote

    Skip Class N Fish huh?!!! Reminds me of the days back when my son Nate was in school and if the weather was nice and I got a call saying he wasn’t in school I knew exactly where he was-Foster Arends Lake catching fish. Then he bought a fishing boat [before buying a car] and he then he would be down at Red Wing fishing which was too far for me to leave work and go fetch him. lol. Guess hes kinda like me-boats cost him more than the tow vehicles do. Oh well, fishings a love a boy discovers and it never leaves him. Keep kids out of trouble too except with the school principals. lol. I never did understand why they built a school in Alma right across the road from the river or a school right next to Madison Lake and think they would be able to keep kids in school when its nice out. It would drive me nuts if I went to that school. I’ll bet Jarrad F. and his younger brother Flick could tell us some good stories about going to school in Alma. lol. Well here I go a talkin away off the subject. [still want to hear Jarrads and Flicks comments].
    I agree with check the fuse first. I seem to blow one fuse about every year for my livewell. Put a new one in and its ready for for fish. Thanks, Bill

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Hey Bill?

    Might want to add “Skip work and fish”. Opps…gotta go…boss is coming!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I thought about that but then if your boss reads this you could be history and I want this to be fun, not the cause of your unemployment.

    Thanks, Bill

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 14

    Skip Class N Fish—-that’s exactly what I would do! I grew up in central Iowa, with a 100 acre lake 4 miles outside town—a nice bike ride! Missed very few days of school until the spring—then suddenly I’d have colds, flue, fever, stomach ache the works. By high school I was driving and got “sick” sometimes 2 and 3 days in a row. Of course in a small town, everyone knew what their neighbors were doing. My neighbor was a good friend of the principal. One day I was sitting on the bank of the lake catching bluegill left and right when I heard someone cough behind me. Looked up and there’s the principal! “They bitin’ today Dickie?” he asked, and sat down with me, pole in hand. “You usin” red worms or crawlers.” For the next hour and half we fished and chatted, then left together for the afternoon classes. Never skipped another day after that. The deal was, I could use his boat anytime I wanted as long as it was after school or on the weekends!

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    What about parents who skip their own kids out of school for a day or 2?Every year my boys manage to skip a few days to help dad pre-fish.Infact this Friday Austin will be helping me pre-fish a Trap Atatck.But of course his teacher(s)will know because he’s a very honest boy and will tell them that he will be fishing with dad and not be at school.And wouldn’t we all rather be fishing than at work?I for one now I would be!!!
    Ryan Hale

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I’ll be honest, I never never missed a day of school or work to enjoy my outdoor sports. And if I’m lying may lightn–ZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPp

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    hey dad come on now you know I do have one of my old teachers on this forum I would hate for him to think all of those days I missed I was fishing and didn’t invite him along
    Now so you guys don’t think I did this on my own I was influenced by my father. I can remember many of times getting out of school to go fish with my dad. Heck I even remember a time when I was suppose to stay after class to take a test that I missed because I went fishing the day before. and I told my teacher that I had to go out of town that night with my dad(ok we were going to Cabelas) but it is out of town. well she didn’t believe me so I had to call good ol dad and I told him she wanted to talk to him. I do not know what he said to here but I got to go. and actually dad I owned two boats before I had my first car and then after I got a car tourney season came around and heck there were times I was off school for a week for prefishing (boy did my teachers love that) But the most important part was Before I could ever leave school to fish or even fish on the weekends the good ol dad that I have made me get a report from every teacher saying that I was passing and all caught up.
    Ok I won’t lie there were a number of days you didn’t know about but that was then this is now I know I find myself telling my fience I am working and sneaking away to fish. man nothing changes.

    Posts: 2627

    What a great topic!! I missed my fair share of days of school hunting and fishing and when my son got old enough I wanted him to get the same thrill. I’ve called him in sick from below the dam on Pool 4 more than once and I always use the same line. The lady always asks if he is sick and I always respond with “He has an eye problem” and after I hang up I say “he can’t see being in school when Dad is on the river”. We both get a good laugh and then I go on to explain the value of school and how he has to make up missed work or this will be his last “sick day”. I think in the long run it probably helps his attendance because if he gets up feeling a little off(and most of us do occasionally) I ask if he wants to burn one of his “sick days”. In the last couple of years he has missed 2 or 3 days of school a year and every one of them has been hunting or fishing. The year before that he did miss a day with the Flu and he was REALLY sick so I didn’t penalize him a “sick day”. As a matter of fact the other day he was asking if when the weather got better in March if we could have a “sick day” and head down to Evert’s since he hasn’t missed a day since deer hunting. It makes an ol man feel good to hear that.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Yes Nate you are still sneaking out fishing. He stores his bigger boat at my place and he has a used 14 footer with a 40 hp tiller boat that he bought for winter fishing and to make sure he has a boat to use between selling his boat every year and getting the new one. [acturally he took the used boat for payment instead of money for doing a job for a guy]. Well he keeps the 14 footer in a garage where he lives [single car garage] so when Jessie drives by to make sure hes working [sees his big boat in my driveway] all is fine. But if he only has half a days work to do he will sneak the 14 ft. boat out and go fishing and just make sure its back in the garage before she gets home from college classes. AH, yes, Mr. Anderson the trout geru, you were lucky he likes to walleye fish too so he understood you. lol. And I can remember that one spring before you got your first car that I use to hear from my fishing buddies about all the times I was down fishing as my towing car then [old blue Tempo] was always seen sitting in the parking lot at Colvil Park boat landing in Red Wing. Even had people ask me if I bought the car from you whenever they would see me using it to tow my own boat. lol. What some people will do to go fishing. Aren’t we all glad that we never grow up?!!! [we still fish more than we should]. lol. And the funny thing is that its never enough! Thanks, Bill

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 168

    I always had a deal with our boy and here it is. As long as he was on the honor roll he could skip school and go turkey hunting during 1st season here in Iowa. And of course “all” his teachers knew this because during parent/teacher conferances I would remind them that Jeff would not be in school at this time. They were always so kind to give him his assignments ahead of time so that he would not fall behind in his classes. A couple of these hunts also turned into class projects that he had. Since he loves to hunt and fish so much. Not once did he fall from the honor roll as he knew if he did he would not be able to go. This works as a great incentative for good grades. Plus there is no better way to share the outdoors.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Ummm….Bill? Bosses see these posts?

    Well I know there was a problem with the time stamp for a while. My posts have always been after work….

    I was thinking back, I did most of my fishing in the summer…but there was at time when we were going up north right after school….but because I had a teacher at the time…without a sense of humor, I had to stay after that night… I was feeling the presure…my 4th grade teacher sitting in the desk to my left and my dad sitting in the desk to my right….while I wrote out 200 times….I will not put frogs in my teachers desk….I will not put frogs in my teachers desk…

    Nate, you’re so right “somethings never change”!

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Don’t forget us girls! I can’t say I skipped school to go fishing (thats because I was not into fishing back then), But I can say I have called into work sick or “got sick” during the day just to go fishing. Exspecially at the first sign of ice out or the first really warm spring day. And what do I do for a living – teach.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Carpgirl…if the teacher calls in sick to go fishing….then the class could go fishing too…at least for an hour?

    What do you teach? Maybe a better way would be to have a class project? Classes start at the lake!

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    Before the end of the spring, I do do a two week theme on fishing (due to my passion). And I do take the children fishing. Not only as part of the theme, but some of the children chose to use “going fishing with Ms. Cheri” as a reward for there good behavior – the children love it, they would take a chance to go fishing over a sticker, candy or toy any day. And during summer break I get calls from the children/parents to go fishing as well. This year will be hard thou, I no longer live on the lake.
    So seeing as I have everyones attention – I am on the look out for old fishing posters, pins, books, ect. to use for my class. I have tried the DNR without much luck. If anyone has anything or any ideas where I could find such things – please let me know. I teach pre-school to children with behavior problems.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4036

    I never had to skip a day of school because my dad always knew when I was going to be sick and he would just call ahead. For some reason I always got sick in May and November. May for the trip to Winni and November to chase bullwinkle. I also remember in 7th grade when there was a hot late Sunday night walleye bite out on Mille Lacs. At the time, we had a permanent on Mille Lacs and my dad didn’t work on Mondays. Mom got the hint when we didn’t come home and she called school on Monday. I never skipped a class for fishing, but I did make it part of the curiculum a couple times. One spring I had a photography class, then lunch, and then a journalism class. The day before I would tell the journalism teacher that I was doing a interview outside the school. The next day I would go to photography class, grab a camera, and tell the teacher that I was going down by the river to take pictures. Between lunch and the two classes, I was able to fish for about two hours. So far, I have planned all of my spring college semesters to make sure that I will be done before our May trip to Winni.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I think I must of lived one of those boring lives or something as I didn’t skip school. My dad always had a boat and small outboard motors in the basement. He always said my Moms hobby was smoking cigerettes and his was buying outboard motors. [she smoked and he didn’t]. He always had a bunch of smaller outboard motors. In high school I worked week nights after school and spent my weekends in Brownsdale about 38 miles from Rochester where my gal lived [the gal I married and then ended in a divorce after 20 years]. So I pretty much gave everything up back then which was playing drums in a rock band and boating and spent the time with her. Did get into fishing after Nate was born so there was no school to skip for me but we did grow up fishing together so to speak and became not only father/son but best friends too and it was hard to seperate us from fishing every chance we got. Mom worked evenings and every other weekend so you knew where we were and on her days off we dragged her along down to the river with us. [she loved the suntan and we loved the fishing]. After the divorce I raised my kids and we kept fishing too. I’m a fishing addict and if I’m not on the water you can probably find me fishing the In-Depthangling website or watching fishing tapes as I have a ton of them. I remember being flat on my back for about 4 months years ago with a bad back injury and it was all those In-Fisherman shows I had recorded over the years and fishing tapes that kept me sane. Now I try to share my love for fishing not only with my kids, but also my grandkids and my friends on this site. And to me that is FUN.
    Thanks, Bill

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I hold my daughter out of school from time to time so she can spend time fishing or hunting with me. I honestly believe that the education one recieves in the outdoors is just as important as the education he/she recieves in school.

    Gator Hunter

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