Transmission Help

  • Jasper
    Posts: 29

    All the mechanics out their I need your help. I have a 98′ Dodge Durango, 5.9l, with only 105,000 miles. I just took it in to the dealer to have a simple oil, lube and filter and have the transmission and transfer case fluid change. $200.00 later I’m back in their the same day with the transmission way over full. I MEAN WAY OVER FULL.
    I have never had to question the work done before, because a good friend of mine is the service manager and always makes sure things are done right the first time til now.

    They still have it and are adjusting the linkage because I couldn’t get it into park when I took it back and it will not shift to 2nd gear when you start out for about 50 yrds and a high RPM then it will shift.

    Is this normal to happen? When you over fill it?

    Sorry I can’t think right now I’M SOOOOO PIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A simple Transmission fluid change that is all.
    Will I get it back to normal?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    how much driving was done with it overfull?

    Posts: 29

    50 Miles.
    The Dealer just called and said they found the problem. It is the PIN or ( Ring Park Pall). The Dodge dealer ( not the one I took it to)I called said it is very common for that to go out when you have the fluid changed.
    SO here I am. I still can’t pick it up til tomorrow.

    Posts: 29

    What else could it be?????

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    Coincidence? My father-in-law has run Dodges since he was a kid and seems to have always had problem with the tranny’s. His RAM has been in for tranny work 3 times in the last year. His son’s Durango has had tranny work recently and his new Chrysler somthing or another was just in to have work done (only 15,000 miles). But, according to him, Dodge/Chrysler is the best domestic vehicle ever made. I’m not even going to touch that one…He also thinks Yamaha snowmobiles are the top of the line, too.

    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409

    My 97 ram, 190,000 miles has been beat to @#$%. Alot of those miles pulling a boat or trailer of some kind. Still original tranny, and the 5.9 motor has never been touched. Front end never alligned even after driving across lakes and more plowed fields than I care to admit. Drives straight and no uneven tire wear. The body is getting cancer now but I wouldnt trade that truck for the world.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    Truck drives straight into the ditch. I think you need to drive a new truck, your too use to swinging your arms like your dancing while your driving. Ive driven a lot of Dodge trucks some with as little as 40k on them and if they have 4 wheel drive you have to do a little dancing to keep them in a lane. Its gets much worse with the heavy duty trucks too. But the Diesel and the Hemi cant be beat! And Im a Ford guy. I was towing a 15,000lb load with my Dodge work truck on Monday and im still amazed with the Diesel and the Turbo brake. Sorry to hear about the Transmission problems. I would think the dealship that overfilled it could be held responsible for the problem. Why would something break because you changed the fluid? I would raise a stink about it regardless if the overfill caused it or not. If they cant hire people compentent enough to correctly fill a transmission they deserve to pay for some damages.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    Coincidence? My father-in-law has run Dodges since he was a kid and seems to have always had problem with the tranny’s. His RAM has been in for tranny work 3 times in the last year. His son’s Durango has had tranny work recently and his new Chrysler somthing or another was just in to have work done (only 15,000 miles). But, according to him, Dodge/Chrysler is the best domestic vehicle ever made. I’m not even going to touch that one…He also thinks Yamaha snowmobiles are the top of the line, too.

    The guy said it was overfilled, you blame that on the truck ???

    Please send all this tranny work to the shop I manage…. I have 3 fully trained Chrysler tranny techs that are changing oil & rotating tires all day…. oops…. I forgot, make that 2, one is putting an engine in a F150 we towed/traded in…..

    big G

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