Picking Up The Pieces

  • trumar
    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Here is an update to my original post boat has been dry docked

    I finally got the trailer cut apart and new materials ready to rebuild.It has been a very tedious project indeed, I had to make sure while cutting the bad parts off NOT to damage the good parts. here are few pics from the beginning to where the project is now.I hope to have it done for the next coming weekends outting 1st pic is of some damage,the rest are different stages of the disassembly and total parts ready for reassemble process.The black marks represent spider cracking,which was on top and bottom of both rails.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    More pics.
    Will have more pics when the bending,welding and reassembly process begins.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Wow Jeff that sux, it looks like you are replacing most of the frame. How are you going to get the tongue end of the frame bent? Can a muffler shop bend rectangular tubing? And is it standard A36 steel?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    We are going to use angle cuts ,bend and weld,reinforcing with plate stock on the inside.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Quite the project you got going there, I could have just sold you my trailer

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    It looks like your cracks are in really bad places. I guess that would confirm the stress is in those locations. Good luck on your project. Looks good so far. Let us know how that turns out. I probably need to do a detailed inspection of my trailer after seeing that.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    do cracks like that happen when you don’t have a big enough trailer for the size boat/weight you have on the trailer. My trailer has gone down hill fast, to the point were I’m considering going over to Ida Grove to see if Shore Landr’ has some re-done trailers, but would not know what size to start looking at.

    Posts: 449

    Yep, that looks like one heck of a project alright! Can’t wait to see the finished result!

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    What started my problem I believe was the guides mounted on the frame rails as pictured.

    The aluminium mounting tubes wore through the paint and rubbed into the frame rails causing weak spot in the frame causing the spider webbed cracks while vibrating down the road,then the frame bent.

    When buying a trailer to fit your boat Make sure you let them know EXACTLY what boat you have and they should be able direct you to the proper size trailer.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    went to the web site and it looks like I need a 3,000# deep V bunk trailer. The fix-it list got larger 2 weeks ago when I had a tire blow going 70 and it finished off my good fender and tore the wiring up. The other fender was backed into by the wife, cracked but still on the trailer. The first 4 years I went to Platte Creek Rec area in SD the short cut brought me down 10 miles or more of gravel (now paved)so the trailer paint has taken a beat’n. It is all fixable, but I look at all the nickle and dime stuff adding up to what a good used trailer would cost. I always eyeball the trailers down at the river docks and wonder if they would mind me borrowing their trailer for a summer.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 17

    Looks like a helluva project, but you seem to have it under control! I think I will stop over and take a peak at what you have going. Good job though Jeff!

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