Electric Downriggers

  • slimyfish
    Posts: 7

    Looking to add a couple of electric down riggers on mounting tracks. Plan to include swivels, pedestals, and booms in the 30-50″ range on my Ranger. Have used only manual Cannon’s before. What would you recommend? Cannon, Scotty, Walker’s or what? Looking for reliability and ease of use. Leaning towards Cannon Mag10HS, maybe 20’s if I can stomach the price differential and hook them in to my Humminbird with a CannonLink to maintain automatic depth control.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Just a thought but are you planning on running 4 riggers? If not shouldnt need the 10’s with ext boom.

    Keep in mind when extended you are going to have to use a ball retriver or install a vertical hinge that tips the rigger straight up bringing the ball to you. I have a 7’beam and have never tangled wires trolling 200′.

    I have had a walker manual and realy dislike the quality. Switched to cannon uni-5 and am very happy with them as a manual. If you are lookin for used try the swapmeet on http://www.glangler.com they often have electics for sale.

    Also a friend needed parts for Cannon and their customer servics was great, Milwaukee i belive. Walker is in Canada if you need service. No experience with scotty.

    The track system is the way to go for removal and addition of other things. I am going 6′ tracks this winter.


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