Minnkota Throw away products???

  • jkratky
    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171

    I posted last wked about the problem I’m having w/ my MK210 2 bank on board charger. It was melting my positive lead to the battery, (fuse holder)checked it w/ a voltmeter and was only getting .7 volts per bank. The charger is 5 years old but used for first season then put on the self for a rainy day. Thats when the problem started this month. After getting some responses I decided to call Minnkota: I talked to a tech rep. who told me it was out of warranty (DAH) and there’s nothing they can do to repair the unit because they get it in as a sealed unit, WHAT THE ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM W/ Minnkota’s throw away and buy new because “we can’t fix it”…policy?????

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    A new MK-210 is a little over $100. To have someone open it up and diagnose it would cost a minimum of $50 to $60. By the time you’d pay for parts and any additional labor you could buy a new one. The new ones come with a three year warranty. That’s pretty good for any electronics.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500


    A new MK-210 is a little over $100. To have someone open it up and diagnose it would cost a minimum of $50 to $60. By the time you’d pay for parts and any additional labor you could buy a new one. The new ones come with a three year warranty. That’s pretty good for any electronics.

    Agreed Repair is costly. I fix vending machines on the side and it is easy to rack up a 150 200 dollar invoice in no time.

    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    I have not seen many come back in for warranty work after rigging customer’s boats. The ones that were bad Minnkota stood behind them. Sorry your having bad luck, but overall their product is very durable, compared to some of the other brand name chargers.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 254

    Sounds like they went to the Lowrance school of customer service!!!

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I love my MK210. The three year warranty is much better than you will get with most other chargers. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with yours.

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Had a MK315 in my fish house drop a bank.

    Had a MK210 almost catch my boat on fire this spring while beached on the rainy river running on the honda EU2000. was lucky enough to be there when it melted down. though it was because of the generator even though the EU2000 is electronics safe…..

    But just had another MK210 go bad 2 weeks ago causing 24 volts to go into my 12 volt system in my boat! lucky no damage.

    As you can tell im no longer a fan of the MK chargers

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    My Minnekota 330 charger has been fine and is on its 3rd year. My previous was a Guest 2 bank charger. I tried talking to Guest about fixing that when it was out of warranty and recieved the same answer as you got about being a sealed unit. Good luck finding a brand that doesn’t give you that answer once the warranty expires.

    Posts: 3403


    Sounds like they went to the Lowrance school of customer service!!!

    It is five years old! You can’t expect them to replace or fix it after that long.

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