Fishing and smoking — a request for advice

  • joe-winter
    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    For every Uncle Frank there is many, many, many, many, many more 50 year olds dead. bottom line. Oh, and how about every time you do your taxes. think about every hospitalization that took tax moneys to pay for heart disease, cancer, etc. caused by those cigs. there is a real good chance the health care in this country would be very affordable if those things never existed. you started smoking because you were weak and wanted to hide behind something that wasn’t real. I real man just nows how to deal with life. nothing is fair or easy. time to do the responsible thing for you, your family, and the rest of us fishing next to you. Good luck, I wish you the best. AND you don’t have to say it, I know I am an [censored].

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908


    AND you don’t have to say it, I know I am an [censored].

    and an honest one at that…… I was thinking “know it all preacher”…..

    big G

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    For every Uncle Frank there is many, many, many, many, many more 50 year olds dead. bottom line. Oh, and how about every time you do your taxes. think about every hospitalization that took tax moneys to pay for heart disease, cancer, etc. caused by those cigs. there is a real good chance the health care in this country would be very affordable if those things never existed. you started smoking because you were weak and wanted to hide behind something that wasn’t real. I real man just nows how to deal with life. nothing is fair or easy. time to do the responsible thing for you, your family, and the rest of us fishing next to you. Good luck, I wish you the best. AND you don’t have to say it, I know I am an [censored].

    Just curious, you ever smoked?
    Doesn’t sound like it.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    For every Uncle Frank there is many, many, many, many, many more 50 year olds dead. bottom line. Oh, and how about every time you do your taxes. think about every hospitalization that took tax moneys to pay for heart disease, cancer, etc. caused by those cigs. there is a real good chance the health care in this country would be very affordable if those things never existed. you started smoking because you were weak and wanted to hide behind something that wasn’t real. I real man just nows how to deal with life. nothing is fair or easy. time to do the responsible thing for you, your family, and the rest of us fishing next to you. Good luck, I wish you the best. AND you don’t have to say it, I know I am an [censored].

    I got something for you to smoke, pal.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    Just thought some people don’t respond to pure RAH, RAH, support. BUt hey if you want to sugar coat a topic that has no business being sugar coated to a bunch of fisherman who generally don’t sugar coat anything. than i apologize. Bottom line to quitting is being a man or a mouse. way less than 5% of smokers stop cold turkey. The ones that do stop are sure the “H” not sugar coating it. Life style modification. every dollar noramlly spent on Cigs put toward a Legend Extreme rod. I bet the end result will be way more satifying.

    The Jerk

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    CZ: Tell him we have a ruptured fuel line and might be late, use your phone to text him for God’s sake!

    1st Mate: Your phone is 20 freaking years old. What’s his number? OK, here we go, he says does anyone smoke on the boat?

    CZ: WTH? Smoke? Smoke what?! Hand me that 1/2 inch hose clamp. Smoke. Huh. Tell him we don’t, heck I quit a few months ago. Tell him it’s ok if he does. Smoke what again? Are we drifting?

    1st Mate. He says ok, sent the wife and kids somewhere, he’s trying to quit. I told him McGrubber is fixing the motor.

    CZ: Oh. OK. Sent the wife and kids, huh? Hum. Hope he doesn’t use us for cut bait, heck I don’t know this guy. Tell him it’s no big deal, I’ve had no problems. Ask him to stop and grab me some BBQ sunflower seeds when he gets suckers. I have dill pickle, plain, mega, ranch, salt and pepper, but I’m out of BBQ. We have any hand stuff? I smell like gas darn it….

    When you pull this thread out to read it while your fishing, just remember you’ve already fished without smoking and had a good time (I think)!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I am doing the lozenges and snus. I like nicotine and I am not going to apologize for it, because I have no reason to apologize for liking it. And when I say snus, I don’t mean the crappy stuff they sell at the gas station. I am talking the European kind you can get online at places like That stuff is powerful and is spit-less. I even get to do it in restaurants and while working.

    The best part is I can cast and reel without working around a smoke.

    I have a question for smokers and former smokers. This hasn’t happened to me, but I always think about it. Ever accidentally have an ember splice your line while fishing?

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    …I have a question for smokers and former smokers. This hasn’t happened to me, but I always think about it. Ever accidentally have an ember splice your line while fishing?

    No, but I’ve come close a couple times. It’s harder with braid than it is with mono cuz it’s not quite as tender.

    I HAVE, however, used the end of my cig to sever the line when I was gonna tie on new terminal tackle.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Just thought some people don’t respond to pure RAH, RAH, support. BUt hey if you want to sugar coat a topic that has no business being sugar coated to a bunch of fisherman who generally don’t sugar coat anything. than i apologize.

    Just FYI, I’m p1ssy in ways I never even dreamed of from cutting out 90% of my nicotine overnight. Here come my precious six months of hell.

    Anyway, on-topic: I asked for information on techniques, tricks, tips, and for other people to share their experiences. It was not particularly helpful. Really.

    I mean, I understood the intention, but I haven’t responded well to shaming and lecturing since I was about 11. And if you want to preach, go to seminary and get your own church. Just sayin… some people don’t respond well to being belittled and b1tched at.

    Oh, and one more thing:


    you started smoking because you were weak and wanted to hide behind something that wasn’t real. I real man just nows how to deal with life.

    REAL men don’t pose and posture while hiding safely behind the internet. You wanna question my manhood, fine… just do it to my face. You wanna say I’m weak and cowardly? Great. DO IT TO MY FACE.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Here come my precious six months of hell.

    Jenna, you can come and stay with us.

    Jared, please don’t make it “our” six months of he11!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Cut 90% of your nicotine? Gee, I wouldn’t have guessed that with your post.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Jared, please don’t make it “our” six months of he11!

    No worries! I’m fine. I’ll be fine. It’s all good.

    Oh the h3ll it is.

    Wait, what was I saying?

    Posts: 20

    I did it about 10 years ago….used the patch, I did it during the winter and actually quit icefishing. I smoked over a pack and day and when I wasn’t smoking I had a chew in… Fishing and driving were the I chew a bunch of tooth picks in the truck. Once I mastered the truck, then on to fishing. One thing at a time, but it helped to stay out of the ice house. Bad thing is I am back to chewing when I am on the water…but only when I fish. Guys gotta have some vice’s!!! good luck

    Posts: 449

    Classic “nic fit”

    Good luck Jared, I really hope you are able to quit. I have been smoke free for almost 2 years after smoking for 29 years. I am NOT nicotine free though, as I also use the snus, although I find it pretty easy to go without that nowadays. Keep hands busy by organizing tackle, pre-tying rigs etc. Again, good luck fellow Catfisherman!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I do the pistachio nuts or sunflower seeds in the truck. You are correct about fishing and driving being the hardest part.

    As for chewing, they can say it is not a safe alternative. It is all relative. Smoking is like hunting on land where there are a 100 blindfolded, armed hunters. Chewing is like hunting when there might be another hunter on the land, but he won’t be blindfolded.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Cut 90% of your nicotine? Gee, I wouldn’t have guessed that with your post.

    I’m tryin…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I’m tryin…

    We’re all behind ya….and watch out for Pug back there!

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620



    I’m tryin…

    We’re all behind ya….and watch out for Pug back there!

    Dude, say it ain’t so! You mean the infamous zipper-down-and-ready-for-pics Pug?

    Damn… that’s stressful. Maybe I should have a…

    NO! NO!

    Making light of it all helps a lot.

    Posts: 1282

    Your right pug – so edited…

    Tyler Tx
    Posts: 1



    I dunno how many of you have had this particular problem, but I’m in the process of seriously (for real this time) quitting smoking. BP and cholesterol are up, lung capacity’s down… it’s all bad news.

    The biggest hurdle I have is fishing. It almost feels like a different activity altogether without the pack of smokes and the ritual cast, settle, extract, light, puff routine. It’s freakin tough.

    I’m wondering if anyone else ever fought this battle and if anyone has any advice?


    PS – I guess the fact that I’m asking for help this time around indicates a bit more interest than in times past. Frankly I’m worried and maybe a bit… nervous? Not quite “scared” because the health threats aren’t that big yet. Yet. Gotta get this demon nailed to a post, or something equally colloquial.

    Took me years to finally quit smoking. Same as you it felt like I was missing something everytime I went fishing. Anyway, there are no short cuts, you just do it and move on with life.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    You inspired me to run out in the garage and take a picture at 11:55 p.m.

    If you’re thinking about smoking and quitting, please consider my story.

    Every time I ride the motorcycle or see it I am reminded of the second most important man I have had in my life, my father is number one. I became the recipient of that motorcycle October 3, 2009 when my uncle Jon, who was 57 years of age at the time lost his battle with mouth and jaw cancer caused by a lifetime of smoking and/or chewing. He literally died in my mother and father’s arms at his home. His cancer was aggressive, painful and brutal, there was not much time between feeling so-so and and his eventual demise.

    Time is precious, if you’re considering quitting, please do it now. The pain of quitting cannot be outweighed by the pain we have endured in our hearts grieving.

    Good Luck in your fight to live.

    EDIT: I almost forgot you don’t want your cool stuff going to your nephew just yet do you!

    I am fortunate that I nearly got sick trying chew as a teen and was too broke to take up smoking.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844


    Chewing is like hunting when there might be another hunter on the land, but he won’t be blindfolded.

    OK….Google up Bill Tuttle and look at you list of choices…then look at the pics.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Took me years to finally quit smoking. Same as you it felt like I was missing something everytime I went fishing. Anyway, there are no short cuts, you just do it and move on with life.

    That’s as best put as I’ve ever seen it explained.

    Well said, AvidA.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    OK….Google up Bill Tuttle and look at you list of choices…then look at the pics.

    A couple of pictures do not prove it is as easy to come down with a nasty disease from chewing as it is from smoking. Still, it is dangerous just the same. Every year many hunters are shot and some killed from careful hunters with good vision.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Don’t start.

    That woulda been the easy way out!

    But yeah, so true.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    That woulda been the easy way out!

    I think it was Tuck that said “Quiting is easy. It takes a real man to stand up to cancer.”

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    That woulda been the easy way out!

    I think it was Tuck that said “Quiting is easy. It takes a real man to stand up to cancer.”

    With tongue firmly implanted in cheek.

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