I was able to get out on the Croix late Sunday afternoon. I got down to the Hudson landing a little after 4:00. The parking lot at the grocery store (overflow) was packed. But the normal lot had quite a few spots open . What a zoo with everyone trying to get their boats out. I was waiting my turn to launch. Hudson has enough room to lauch 3 boats at a time. Or should have room. There were 2 guys picking there boats up that were in line before me. I let both of them go in front of me. Finally, after waiting about 10 minutes, I’m next to line up. This dude in a pickup truck had backed out his pontoon trailer (after I had already been waiting more than 5 minutes) and he tells me I need to let him go before me so he can “quick” get his pontoon loaded. I tell him no way. I asked him if I am suppose wait until all the boats are loaded before I can launch. He gets PO’d and tries to tell me I won’t be able to launch with his pontoon in the way.
I told him not to worry about me launching. His pontoon was on the launch side of the dock. He was blocking another boat that just launched from moving his boat out around the dock. So now we’re down to 2 launch lanes.
I decide to launch up against the other dock, mainly to stay away from pontoon dude. There is a little 14′ fishing boat right up tight to shore on the launch side of dock #2. I was backing my boat in fairly close to the fishing boat. I wanted to make sure there was still room to launch in the middle lane. I had at least 3 feet between my boat and the little fishing boat and could see it clearly in my mirrors. This lady starts screaming at me to stop (STOP, STOP). I got out and walked back to her and asked her… What are you screaming about? Her reply was, I thought you were going to hit my boat. After slamming my door I continued to back in and pulled my boat around to the shore on the other side of the dock. She makes a comment about not being used to people launching so close to their boat. It never dawned on her to move her boat out of the way.
Why is it always more fun to read about these stories when it happens to someone else? It may not sound like it based on my post (rant), but I normally try to go out of my way to be helpful at the landing.