what happens when…

  • chamberschamps
    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    The front CV joint of a front wheel car lets loose?

    I have a 2000 escort that started making a ticking sound starting at 25 mph, and increases with speed. I’m assuming its the CV joint b/c of the cars age/mileage and its never been replaced. Today I was getting on it (whatever that means in an escort) to get into traffic and it shifted HARD into second gear, and now the ticking sound is louder (more like a little thump) and I have some vibration in the steering wheel. I have no intention of getting it fixed. The car has a bad tranny, and probably will need brakes soon. It’s a beater-not worth it.

    So, what happens if I keep driving it till it lets loose. Does it break? Will I have a front drive axle come through the floor? Or will it be not as exciting as that?

    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    You will hear a POP then your car will start slowing down. Pull over to the side of the road and shut the engine off while in NUETRAL. DO NOT TRY TO SHIFT THE TRANSMISSION INTO PARK OR ANY OTHER GEAR (if it is an automatic). There shouldnt be any thing dramatic that happens but I guess if it didnt happen to me doesnt mean it wont happen to some one else… Good luck and try not to make any sharp turns to make it click.

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    I had one come apart in a half ton chevy one time and put a few hundred miles on it before I fixed it. Even used 4 wheel drive. But I was hopeing that it would go up in flames before I fixed it.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    I had a front wheel drive, 5 speed that the cv joint went out on. Pushed it to the shoulder of the road and had to get a trailer to haul it to the mechanic.

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