2nd Amendment $$$

  • Mocha
    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I am in the process of applying for a MN “Permit to Carry”. Went through the training class, $70 and now will apply through my local county sheriffs office which I think is about $75 for five years. I posted this on another site but wanted you guys opinion.

    My question is why should I have to pay to exercise my 2nd amendment rights. On the premiss that the State or Feds want to regulate to keep guns out of the bad guys hands, then the cost burden should be the State or the Feds. I do not think it should cost me one dime to exercise might 2nd amendment rights. IMHO

    What do you guys think about this?

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    I paid $150 for the class a few years ago, you did good I try not to think about the revenue generated by this….

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354


    I am in the process of applying for a MN “Permit to Carry”. Went through the training class, $70 and now will apply through my local county sheriffs office which I think is about $75 for five years. I posted this on another site but wanted you guys opinion.

    My question is why should I have to pay to exercise my 2nd amendment rights. On the premiss that the State or Feds want to regulate to keep guns out of the bad guys hands, then the cost burden should be the State or the Feds. I do not think it should cost me one dime to exercise might 2nd amendment rights. IMHO

    What do you guys think about this?

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Will this ever go away? You have the right to own a gun. The 2nd amendment doesn’t say they can’t require you to be trained and responsible enough to carry one. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for 2nd amendment rights.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Look at it as a processing fee. You have the “Right” to hunt and fish in MN, but you still have to buy a license.

    Posts: 9

    I wouldn’t look at it in the way of a hunting or fishing license. Where were those sighted in the constitution? The above respondent is a complacent follower who lacks the ability to lead. It feels a lot like Europe to me. Good luck to all of the worthless liberals in November.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Do not want this to become a liberal VS conservative or dem vs rep that was not my intention. It is about paying to exercise an individuals 2nd amendment right based on the constitution and bill of rights.

    I do not believe it is a right to hunt & fish, more so a privilege, so to compare the two does not make sense.

    Once again it comes down to the cost and who should pay. I have read the bill of rights several times, although I am not a constitutional scholar by any stretch of the imagination, and I can not see any other right that imposes a fee to the individual if they desire to exercise that right. IMHO

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    So we’ve had this in place for what 7 years or something… and you’re just getting it now, and complaining about the fee?

    I mean don’t get me wrong, I don’t exactly agree to paying the for the “right” either, but it’s a $100 (in my county) and it lets me carry, for $20 a year, I can afford it.

    Bottom line MN has exceptionally good carry law probably the best in the nation, you should be happy to have it, and be thankful for those who put in countless hours to get it to this point? Could it be better? Yeah probably, point being it’s still one of the best, solid good proven behavior by permit holders will hopefully someday give us greater freedom.

    I’m happy enough to get it in and passed anyway possible, if I gotta pony up $20 a year, it’s still money well spent IMHO.

    I guess I feel in part I didn’t really do anything to help pass the law to give us “back” the right, so I little say in complaining. Similar to complaining about the president, but not voting for one. (Of course I vote).

    In all seriousness check out the carry laws in other states, You;ll be grateful for how good ours really is, that in part should help if the day ever does come that you can get a national carry permit good for the entire USA. Pretty neat to see other states making a lot of changes for the better eliminating a lot of crappy restrictions on permit holders across the US. I believe we’re moving forward, and things for permit holders is still getting better by the day.

    Again I hear you on the money end of it, but it’s pocket change really, and we can hope someday the fees will disappear.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Shameless plug for the $55. Ido MN carry class coming up in Sept. Check out the Sponsors Promo Forum.

    The law reads that the counties can not charge more than $100. for a new application and that is what they charge. Renewals are $75. Now they don’t have to charge that much, but they do.

    To answer your question more directly IMOP (that’s worth 2 cents in fish bucks) if the user didn’t pay for it our government (all of us) would.

    I’m in favor of user fees (see BK’s dictionary under stadium).

    I don’t get much more complicated than that.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    So we’ve had this in place for what 7 years or something… and you’re just getting it now, and complaining about the fee?

    I mean don’t get me wrong, I don’t exactly agree to paying the for the “right” either, but it’s a $100 (in my county) and it lets me carry, for $20 a year, I can afford it.

    Bottom line MN has exceptionally good carry law probably the best in the nation, you should be happy to have it, and be thankful for those who put in countless hours to get it to this point? Could it be better? Yeah probably, point being it’s still one of the best, solid good proven behavior by permit holders will hopefully someday give us greater freedom.

    I’m happy enough to get it in and passed anyway possible, if I gotta pony up $20 a year, it’s still money well spent IMHO.

    I guess I feel in part I didn’t really do anything to help pass the law to give us “back” the right, so I little say in complaining. Similar to complaining about the president, but not voting for one. (Of course I vote).

    In all seriousness check out the carry laws in other states, You;ll be grateful for how good ours really is, that in part should help if the day ever does come that you can get a national carry permit good for the entire USA. Pretty neat to see other states making a lot of changes for the better eliminating a lot of crappy restrictions on permit holders across the US. I believe we’re moving forward, and things for permit holders is still getting better by the day.

    Again I hear you on the money end of it, but it’s pocket change really, and we can hope someday the fees will disappear.

    I have not kept up with the Permit to carry law, SORRY, did not know it has been seven years. You come out and say ” I don’t exactly agree to paying for the right”…. that is EXACTLY what I am concerned with. The actual doller fee, which some of you think is OK but should check out other states that have a substantially less fee or none at all, is also not the problem. I can certainly afford the money.

    When we have to pay anything, even .01, to exercise ANY of our RIGHTs then I have a problem with it. This Right to carry laws are in place to protect us from the bad guys…. correct? I do not pay a specific fee individually to protect our boarders do I? Yes, we all pay taxes (or at least some of us do) for these types of protection from our Feds and states.

    What did it cost you individually and specifically to “vote”? Did you pay money and then they gave you a ballet?
    Just saying…….

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    Call it what it is…..it is not a “Fee”…..it is a “Tax”!!!

    Jeff Matura
    Sumner, IA
    Posts: 238

    Just another tax from our overspending government…

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354


    I wouldn’t look at it in the way of a hunting or fishing license. Where were those sighted in the constitution? The above respondent is a complacent follower who lacks the ability to lead. It feels a lot like Europe to me. Good luck to all of the worthless liberals in November.

    Was that aimed at me?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I am sure this has been argued in a higher court, than the one we hold here……

    big G

    Posts: 711

    this is just my opinion and does not reflect the opinions of others.
    i think your missing the mark here you are not getting a permit to carry you are getting a permit to conceal big differance. i own many guns and am not required to have a permit. i feel i am excercizing my 2ND amen. rights.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354


    Once again it comes down to the cost and who should pay. I have read the bill of rights several times, although I am not a constitutional scholar by any stretch of the imagination, and I can not see any other right that imposes a fee to the individual if they desire to exercise that right. IMHO

    One example would be the 14th amendment that defines US citizenship. You need some sort of government issued ID to exercise your rights and prove your citizenship and that ID is not free. I will use an old saying, “Freedom isn’t free”.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I do not believe it is a right to hunt & fish, more so a privilege, so to compare the two does not make sense.

    In Minnesota, it is a citizen’s Constitutional right to Hunt and Fish. This was passed in 1998. This prevents groups like PETA from getting laws passes that would effectively stop hunting and fishing here. Other states do not have these same protections.

    The Hunting and Fishing Amendment
    Bill Number: SF 41, 1997-1998
    Status: Amendment Passed

    A bill for an act proposing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, article XIII, by adding a section affirming that hunting and fishing and the taking of game and fish are a valued part of our heritage.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The Second amendment reads:


    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    One could argue that the government could consider anyone not in the military or police force is part of a militia. So, armed citizens are effectively the well regulated militia.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m as right wing as they come. In my world the governments should have limited purpose. National security and public safety at the top of a short list. Regulating who can carry in public is a public safety issue right up the governments alley!

    BTW, if you want to carry and not go through any government loopholes, go to Wisconsin and strap on your 6-shooter. As long as you carry openly (No concealment) you are perfectly legal to do so!


    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073


    BTW, if you want to carry and not go through any government loopholes, go to Wisconsin and strap on your 6-shooter. As long as you carry openly (No concealment) you are perfectly legal to do so!


    You are 100% right Jon but do beware of local police that think they can slap you with a misdemeanor charge. I exercise this right quite often over here. Not much of a problem most people just look at you kind of weird. On a few ocassions while waiting in line at a store I will have another patron ask why I have a sidearm on. I tell them its because I left my shotgun in the truck. It ends the conversation right there.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    The Second amendment reads:


    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    One could argue that the government could consider anyone not in the military or police force is part of a militia. So, armed citizens are effectively the well regulated militia.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m as right wing as they come. In my world the governments should have limited purpose. National security and public safety at the top of a short list. Regulating who can carry in public is a public safety issue right up the governments alley!

    BTW, if you want to carry and not go through any government loopholes, go to Wisconsin and strap on your 6-shooter. As long as you carry openly (No concealment) you are perfectly legal to do so!


    But in Wisc you may be arrested for disturbing the peace if your carrying openly.

    I was told when I got my permit the $100 was for background checks and whatever paper work they had to do, I paid it and now have a permit.

    Don’t like the fee, then vote the morons who are running this state out of office, they’re the ones who can’t take our money fast enough, then spend it even faster.

    I keep voting non incumbent, but evidently many are happy giving the state their money…go figure?


    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    this is just my opinion and does not reflect the opinions of others.
    i think your missing the mark here you are not getting a permit to carry you are getting a permit to conceal big differance. i own many guns and am not required to have a permit. i feel i am excercizing my 2ND amen. rights.

    I believe in MN it is manditory to have a permit to “Carry” weather it is concealed or not. Some states have open carry where they can carry in the open and not concealed. In MN we do not have that choice.

    Posts: 1960

    The word “conceal” does not appear at all on my permit.

    The permit reads “permit to carry a pistol”

    The way I interpret that, it means that a person can not carry an uncased pistol without a permit. Common sense would dictate that target ranges and hunting would be exceptions, but in this state, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out otherwise.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452



    Once again it comes down to the cost and who should pay. I have read the bill of rights several times, although I am not a constitutional scholar by any stretch of the imagination, and I can not see any other right that imposes a fee to the individual if they desire to exercise that right. IMHO

    One example would be the 14th amendment that defines US citizenship. You need some sort of government issued ID to exercise your rights and prove your citizenship and that ID is not free. I will use an old saying, “Freedom isn’t free”.

    One could argue that all I need to prove my citizenship is a birth certificate. Not sure if my parents paid for one specifically or not. I do know, I do not have to re-apply and pay every 5 years for a birth certificate.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354




    Once again it comes down to the cost and who should pay. I have read the bill of rights several times, although I am not a constitutional scholar by any stretch of the imagination, and I can not see any other right that imposes a fee to the individual if they desire to exercise that right. IMHO

    One example would be the 14th amendment that defines US citizenship. You need some sort of government issued ID to exercise your rights and prove your citizenship and that ID is not free. I will use an old saying, “Freedom isn’t free”.

    One could argue that all I need to prove my citizenship is a birth certificate. Not sure if my parents paid for one specifically or not. I do know, I do not have to re-apply and pay every 5 years for a birth certificate.

    Most times you need a photo ID, a birth certificate is not always accepted.

    The way I see it is that this is the greatest country in the world, if it costs a little money to be here, so be it.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m a 100% in agreement with you Stinky. It makes no sense why I have to pay to carry a pistol in this state. Or nation for that matter. I don’t have to pay to carry a rifle or shotgun.

    I’m also getting my permit this fall. The money isn’t the point. It’s the principal of the issue.

    FYI: Our neighbors to the west in SD charge $10.00 for the permit and it’s good for 4 years. SD has an open carry law, so the permit is only to conceal.

    I wonder why it only costs SD $10.00 to process vs. $100.00 in MN?? The land of 10,000 lakes and 10 times that many taxes…..

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The police can ticket you or arrest you for any reason they want. Does not mean you are guilty of any crime!

    You have a first amendment right to free speech. That doesn’t give you the right to scream fire in a crowded movie theater!

    You guys are against a tax to fund background checks. This is one tax I’m ready to pay. If you don’t want to pay the tax, then don’t! Last time I checked it is still legal to strap on your gun and walk around your own property. Want to go in public? We all want to make sure you are not a criminal, crazy, or otherwise unfit to do so armed!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Since it’s in the MN constitution, why are we paying for a fishing/hunting license?

    The counties are over charging for background checks. The last company I worked for was charged $35. per background. I would guess since a sheriffs office can run one themselves it would be less.

    Not everyone should be allowed to carry as Jon pointed out…however I doubt that many that SHOULDN’T carry will be going to classes much less prancing into the sheriffs office asking for a background check.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354


    The police can ticket you or arrest you for any reason they want. Does not mean you are guilty of any crime!

    You have a first amendment right to free speech. That doesn’t give you the right to scream fire in a crowded movie theater!

    You guys are against a tax to fund background checks. This is one tax I’m ready to pay. If you don’t want to pay the tax, then don’t! Last time I checked it is still legal to strap on your gun and walk around your own property. Want to go in public? We all want to make sure you are not a criminal, crazy, or otherwise unfit to do so armed!



    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    The police can ticket you or arrest you for any reason they want. Does not mean you are guilty of any crime!

    You have a first amendment right to free speech. That doesn’t give you the right to scream fire in a crowded movie theater!

    You guys are against a tax to fund background checks. This is one tax I’m ready to pay. If you don’t want to pay the tax, then don’t! Last time I checked it is still legal to strap on your gun and walk around your own property. Want to go in public? We all want to make sure you are not a criminal, crazy, or otherwise unfit to do so armed!



    How many of the people we don’t want carrying are taking this class? I wonder if the state keeps a total of denied permits by the Sheriff’s departments across the state???

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I wonder if the state keeps a total of denied permits by the Sheriff’s departments across the state???

    The last time the report was done was in 2002:


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