Reports on the Wabasha/Lake City area

  • saber
    Posts: 4

    The wife and I will be in the Wabasha/Lake City area for a few days effective Monday and would appreciate any info on the bite. Thanks

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I grew up on Sand Prairie so have fished it for years.

    I would suggest hitting the wing dams if you are after ‘eyes.

    If you have an ’07 or later Lakemaster chip, I believe they show the dams pretty well.

    If not, in the dark ages (’60s) I got a wind dam map from the Corps. Not sure how I did it back then, but it took a bit. Suspect the closest FWS or DNR office will have the info you are looking for.

    There is also a good bait shop in Wabasha (not up to Evert’s standards, of course) and they should be able to help quite a bit.

    If that folds, contact Buck at Buck’s Taxidermy in Nelson and he’ll hook you up with a local who will be very helpful. Tell him “Stu” sent you…

    Now, failing all that, if the water is low enuf, you can go out and spot the dams yourself. Remember, one pass above, one pass over and one pass below, then outtader…

    Good luck. nice fish in the area.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    A respectable, leadcore bite in the 18-22 ft depths on #5 flickers or shadraps.Redtiger,firetiger,& bluetiger at approx 2+- mph is a good place to start.Be at the ready to switch to livebait as a option as well.Have a good trip!

    Posts: 4

    I thank you for the info on the eyes. (My Favorite) However when the wife is with me we target the crappies and gills as there is more action. I should have been more specific.

    Posts: 4

    Many thanks however we are looking for crappies and gills as they provide moreactiopn and it keeps her interested. I love the eyes but it can be too slow for her.

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