water spots on gps screen?

  • a.j.-wiesner
    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i think i have some water spots on the screen of my gps unit but i can’t seem to get them cleaned off. i used my lowrance cloth that came with my lms 520 but it won’t clean them off. could they be behind the screen or something? it’s hard to see the screen in the direct sunlight with the spots so i was hoping somebody here would be able to help me with the problem. thanks for any info guys

    Posts: 3239

    For those hard water spots I use vinegar diluted with a little water.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    X2. 50/50 or better vinegar,water in a small spray bottle. -Mark

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    X2. 50/50 or better vinegar,water in a small spray bottle. -Mark

    Pick yourself up a small “spritzer” bottle found in the beauty products / travel toiletries isle at Target or Walmart, fill it with Mark’s recommended mixture and keep it in the glovebox in the boat. The bottle will set you back $1 and the wife will never miss a couple ounces of white vinegar. To be honest I’ve not found anything that works better.

    Posts: 13

    You can get the wipes for pc’s at best buy and many other places. It has worked great for me.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    can also get a tv screen cleaner that comes in a little spray bottle from your local wally world that works pretty good

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Warm water on a soft cotton cloth with a tiny bit of elbow grease will also take them off.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    X2. 50/50 or better vinegar,water in a small spray bottle. -Mark

    I have found nothing works better as an overall cleaner and its dirt cheap. I like to run closer to a 75 / 25 mixture though. 75% vinegar. No elbow grease needed. I use it to clean my locators and my boat hull.

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