LED Nav Lights….

  • Surf-N-Turf
    Stevens Point, WI
    Posts: 189

    Anyone know if someone makes LED nav lights for boats, or a conversion kit?
    Thanks, Gregory

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Great post guys on my list of things I need, my front light is too short with my TM deployed and it’s hard to see the light, and longer LED would be perfect

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Nick ,I had the same issue as you and tomorrow I will take a pic of my nice solution and post it here.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977


    Nick ,I had the same issue as you and tomorrow I will take a pic of my nice solution and post it here.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Conversion? HAH!

    Just get some of these. I just got some for my pontoon and after 6 hours of use they showed no signs of dimming. And I can pull them off and use them in the canoe!

    Posts: 3239


    Nick ,I had the same issue as you and tomorrow I will take a pic of my nice solution and post it here.


    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Sorry my camera disappeared…

    Nick here you go .. 1st I started out with one of these lights fold down light then I removed the white light and wires ,cut to my desired length and added my red/green light and wires, then installed the unit on my boat… you know the rest of the story.It also cam locks in other positions.

    It has been on my boat for 3 years now and still holding strong, it comes with 2 pivots for different mounting positions.

    Tho I did purchase mine at Fleet Farm at the time and was cheaper than link posted.

    Again sorry for the delay

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    No Problem on the delay, mine already been this way for a good three years Not sure if that will work for my boat though, and I gotta do some measuring.

    Stevens Point, WI
    Posts: 189

    I found the correct LED replacement lamps @ NAPA. Part # SGL194WH. Two for $10. Tried them in the garage last night. I’m not sure they’re going to work out any better than the OEM’s. One reason being the LED’s are shorter, so they sit lower in the socket and the glow doesn’t seem to be as visible. More testing is needed on the water.
    Happy & Safe 4th, Gregory

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Personally I’ve never seen a really good LED retrofit in anything that worked really good. This far I think the only real good option (and much more expensive) is to buy a LED made light. Though I’m willing to bet it’s probably more than passable as a retro fit. YMMV.

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