My dad stopped over to inform me he has been diagnosed with cancer yesterday. He was referred a couple weeks ago to UW Madison hospital after bouts of peeing blood. Test results revealed a cancerous tumor on his kidney. Plans were to remove the kidney but after further test results came in it was revealed that it has spread to the lymph glans. Now the goal is to get normal kidney function back and start chemotherapy. My dad is 61 years old and is the hardest working man I have ever met. He has not stopped for a second. His retirement years are closely approaching and all I want is for him to get to enjoy them. I have got the opportunity to see this whole country riding shotgun in his 18 wheelers throughout the years. He is the one that taught me to do all the things I love to do. So all I can ask for is a little prayer, it goes a long way. Thankyou for reading.

Wilton, WI
Posts: 2759