boat vs.jet ski

  • Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    I would like to say I’m surprised. Unfortunately, anyone who fishes this lake on a regular basis knows better. The stupidity we see out here every weekend is unbelievable.

    Yesterday we saw pontoon boats pulling kids on tubes up and down the navigational bouey lines, between the cement foundation pillars of the rail road bridge and across the path of the car Ferry. I’m seriously thinking a lot of these people really don’t like their kids and are trying to get rid of them.

    As for jet ski’s, we witnessed three jet ski’s chasing cormorants off the stumps above the rail road bridge. Brilliant!

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362

    Jet Skis – Is there ANY requirements for operation of one of those things?
    I don’t want to rant, nor do I have any statistics to back this up, but I would bet that the frequency of jet ski injuries is ten-fold boating injuries.

    They scare the crap out of me cuz I have no idea where they are going – I don’t think they do either.

    My thought: Regulate Jet Skiers.
    Safety course, certification, and ID tags need to be enforced.
    Imagine a bumper sticker on the back saying “how’s my driving” with a cell number and ID number.

    OK —- I feel better now.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Many states have age requirements, and many of them have laws against harassing fishermen with them. And they enforce the law with a passion. Fishing websites from states with those laws have very few forum threads anymore complaining about them. A few small lakes in Iowa have them outlawed on certain parts of, or the entire lake.
    As for the age requirement, I dunno. I’ve seen many a 20-40 year old toddler on a jetski.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    there are idiots out there no matter what they’re driving. much like the pleasure boater at the boat launch saturday morning who smashed into my motor at about5 mph and cracked the cowling. his excuse was “sorry, I dont have reverse on my boat. no insurance either.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Is he going to take care of it?

    Posts: 204

    Speaking as a parent, I’m shocked at the number of people who let their kids take out these high HP PWCs with obviously inadequate training or personal responsibility. I’m mainly talking about Minnetonka and The St. Croix.

    Yesterday going through the Kinnie channel 2 kids on PWCs were weaving in and out of all the boats going slow for the no wake zone. I shutter to think what would happen if one of these kids fell off right in front of one of the many 30 foot yacht.

    Posts: 4941

    Not all, but I see alot of recklessness by people on them things.
    The wake jumping behind a boat really tees me off.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    Speaking as a parent, I’m shocked at the number of people who let their kids take out these high HP PWCs with obviously inadequate training or personal responsibility.

    A couple weeks ago, while pulling boards on Lake Wisconsin, I had three girls on a jet ski doing laps around me. The driver looked like the oldest, and could not have been over 12 years old, and this was a big machine. Some parents are clueless.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    While I don’t own or want to own a jet ski, they’re no beter or worse than anything else running around out there, irresponsible people will be irresponible in what ever they’re using.

    No worst than the ranger bass boat passing by me at 50mph+ and 10 yards away, or the 40 footer who comes by with a 5 foot wake close enough to hear them laughing, or even the two old farts who back trolled into me while I was anchored in Canada.

    I’d be careful about condeming any water craft, you may be next.

    Condem the morons who use them. imho


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I agree with Allen. Case in point….2 weeks ago, my brother and I are on Mille Lacs, we are running from Hunters Point, up to East flat.. we are about 100 yards behind Bobber & a couple clients in his boat. We are literallly in no mans land, cannot see another boat for miles….. then here comes some dip&hit in his boat, we could see him a mile away… WOT and he goes “RIGHT” between our boats. We are maybe doing 30 mph… he basically was “threading the needle”… WTF was his thing ??? Did he impress his kid that was with him ??? Seriously, if it had been in my boat & I had been driving, I would have followed him and gave him an education. My brother gets excited less than me. What an idiot.. bet he owns a jet ski

    big G

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Never fails up at the cabin you can be off to the side with huge gaps, but people feel to important to waste the .01 gallon of gas or the extra 10 second to arch around you onto their secret spot that 1,000s of people know about.

    100% the operator, not the vehicle. There is plenty of water on most lakes to accommodate common sense and courtesy.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090


    Is he going to take care of it?

    so he says.

    $1500 for a new cowling

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