Lead Core

  • smackemup
    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    I am going to give lead core a shot and have a question. I usually fish open face reels and was wondering if I should pick up a bait caster so I have something a little more solid as far as handling the line.

    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312

    Gander Mtn has a Penn Levelwind trolling combo for about $75.00. It would be a cheaper yet good combo to start with if your not sure how much you are going to get into it. You won’t spool ten colors of lead on a baitcaster i don’t think.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I run Daiwa Accudepth 47 to ensure I can get plenty of lead core on the reel

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I really don’t think you’d ever want to put leadcore on a spinning reel; you’d definitely want a trolling reel. This allows the line to lie flat and go into and come out of the water flat. I treat my leadcore as careful as I can just because I want it to last. Getting twists and kinks in it and shorten its life and lose fish.
    I can get 10 colors easily on an Accudepth 47LC, but WalMart also has some reels I like for leadcore, and they’re a bit cheaper. They are Shakespeare Tidewater linecounters, and I got a couple for $42 each. I can get 10 colors of lead on them as well.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    learn how to tie the Wills or Double Wills knot foe attaching backer and leaders to the core. -Mark

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Yes, you will definitely want a trolling reel. I think I saw that Fleet Farm has some Diawa’s on sale this week and some combos too, they would worth checking out. I have also used the less expensive Okuma LC’s with good luck.

    For trolling eyes on Pepin, I have been using 18# lead core.

    Good luck,

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