Bow mount trolling motor tie down (60″ shaft)?

  • jason-pitts
    Des Moines, IA and Hager City, WI
    Posts: 196

    I just upgraded to the 101 Terrova Ipilot (I absolutely love it by the way). It seems like the shaft and power head really bounces when trailing the boat. How do you guys secure the shaft while trailering or shouldn’t I even worry about it?

    Posts: 1748

    I don’t tie mine down.

    I feel it is smoother on trailer then on the lake at times

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Would not be without one of these RAM T-Motor Support


    Got one on the terrova and they really are slick, I had the terrova deploy once at about 35mph and luckily it took long enough to shut the throttle down so nothing broke, but it put the wife into the dash, after the beating… I bought one of the ram mounts..:)


    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    but it put the wife into the dash, after the beating… I bought one of the ram mounts..:)


    Your wife gets like that to huh? You’d think they’d learn to pay attention so I don’t have to worry about them. I’ve been yelled at twice because someone wasn’t paying attention and got a Bo Bo when I cut the throttle quickly.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    but it put the wife into the dash, after the beating… I bought one of the ram mounts..:)


    Your wife gets like that to huh? You’d think they’d learn to pay attention so I don’t have to worry about them. I’ve been yelled at twice because someone wasn’t paying attention and got a Bo Bo when I cut the throttle quickly.

    Yup….she’s getting better though, or at least the beatings are getting shorter..:)

    Once ya realize no matter what…your wrong, it does get a bit easier..

    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 613

    I’ve thought about buying something to secure the trolling motor head, but the shaft is flexible and seems like it would serve well as a shock absorber, where if you’re anchored down tight up close to the head, it would take a pounding. Is my thinking on this that far off? What’s the risk of not having it secured provided you’ve got it locked down and it will not deploy accidentally?

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Good point, but I’ve had the unit deploy while locked..well it clicked like they do when locked, and I’m betting under plane I think you’d break the shaft, also I’ve had the head bounce off the gunale and while its carpeted, not so sure it does the unit any good either.

    Good point though, just wonder how much flexing the shaft can do before it’s stressed enough to break??

    Wonder what Minnkota says?


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I’ve thought about buying something to secure the trolling motor head, but the shaft is flexible and seems like it would serve well as a shock absorber, where if you’re anchored down tight up close to the head, it would take a pounding. Is my thinking on this that far off? What’s the risk of not having it secured provided you’ve got it locked down and it will not deploy accidentally?

    With a 60 inch shaft, the head of the unit can actually bounce and hit the gunnel. Hard enough to crack the t-motor. Don’t ask how I know….

    You need this RAM unit especially if you have auto pilot. The unit would not last long if it is constantly getting banged around.


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    With a 60 inch shaft, the head of the unit can actually bounce and hit the gunnel. Hard enough to crack the t-motor. Don’t ask how I know….

    You too Jon

    I love the job Ram mount does, fast and easy to add or remove

    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 613

    Well; fortunately (and unfortunately) I’ve got the old powerdrive with the not so smooth deployment. I only wish it deployed a little easier and that I’d have to worry about it. I think I’m safe there. I also have set up my bow mount so that the head is just outside of the gunnel since my boat has such a sharp bow in the front. If I’d have lined it up over the gunnel, then the middle of the 60 inch shaft would be eating up inside bow space. So I’ve got no chance of accidental deployment, and no chance of bouncing the head off the gunnel. I think I’m pretty safe. Again; I’m having a hard time accepting that mounting the head solid would cause less damage than a somewhat absorbed motion from the shaft flex. I certainly understand though if you’ve got one of those new fandangled Terrova’s with the easy deployment, or if you’ve got a chance of bouncing the electronics in the head off the gunnel.

    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    If you are just trailering it not a big deal if it moves around some. Where it is important to have the ram mount is when you are in big waves and the boat is hitting the waves hard and causes the whole system that holds the motor from deploying to snap and break. The constant jarring of the waves causes the shaft to really flex hard and fast which in the end will destroy the locking mechanism on the motor. I have even seen shafts that have broken just from flexing when hitting waves. Using a ram mount to hold the shaft from flexing is a good way to keep the motor for the most part from breaking. It is cheap insurance, think of it this way, a trolling motor costs $700 and above, a ram mount is alot cheaper than replacing motors. I have installed many ram mounts on boats and have not seen one motor come back broken from being secured by one.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    If you are just trailering it not a big deal if it moves around some.

    I have seen a Minnkota deploy while going down the road (not mine) it is not a pretty site.

    The RAM T-Motor Support is good insurance on and off the water.

    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    I suppose freek things can happen. I would tend to think though that maybe it could have been operator error. Not getting the motor totally engaged with the locking mechanism can wreck a day in a hurry. I have seen guys on the water pull the motor up then take off and have the motor deploy. Then go and pull back up and then take off and it stays in travel position. Human error can account for alot of things. Your right though just having a Ram mount can save you a pile a money. I have installed lots of them on new boats.

    Posts: 29

    I agree with the ram mount. But I just open the jaws real wide and clamp them onto the collar that is already found on your Terrova.

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