Dumb move by a Rochester Mayo HS Senior.
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Year Book Prank Lands Mayo HS Senior In Hot Water
June 10, 2010 at 2:33 am #878715
Stupid yes but we were all there and most of us did dumb things we wish we could take back, i cant believe the student with the wrong name will be targeted as a (molester) and the other kid that did this stupid thing will pry get targeted more and has got to be embaresed 10 times over compared to the student that was targeted, witch should teach him a lesson…….
June 10, 2010 at 3:56 am #878734That stupid arse could go to Hudson High School. You would think by the time your a senior in HS you would have learned to be smart enough not to get caught if you want to do this type of prank.
The Hudson comment is meant as a joke because a couple years ago we had a group of seniors vandalize conference rival school fields and try to blame the damage on other schools. They didn’t realize that most schools have surveylance cameras. They even damaged the fields in Hudson to try and confuse the cops. Can you say busted?
June 10, 2010 at 4:42 am #878742not a smart thing to do but i wish that was the worst thing i got cought doing over the last year of school
June 10, 2010 at 11:56 am #878762I just don’t understand why people mess with the yearbook. I was one of three all-conference athletes in my school, my senior year. We had a group picture taken and were each given a copy of the picture. When the yearbook came out, I had been cut out of the picture. I never understood why someone would do that, but nothing I could do about it.
Back then it didn’t bother me much, but when I have grandkids, it’s going to be difficult to convince them that their fat, old, wrinkly granddad used to be pretty good on the baseball field. I guess I better start looking for my trophies and plaques.
June 10, 2010 at 1:32 pm #878790I also was jipped out of being recognized as Valedictorian in my HS yearbook…
they pictured some other dude, with his name below his snapshot…
Sorry but I couldn’t resist that one…
big G
June 10, 2010 at 1:45 pm #878795Quote:
it’s going to be difficult to convince them that their fat, old, wrinkly granddad used to be pretty good on the baseball field.
And US
June 10, 2010 at 1:47 pm #878796Quote:
it’s going to be difficult to convince them that their fat, old, wrinkly granddad used to be pretty good on the baseball field.
And US
Posts: 2389June 10, 2010 at 2:53 pm #878826Dumb move, yes… Guy shouldn’t have done it….
But is this really headline news???
The first words out of the reporters mouth were “shock and outrage”, conjuring up images of weapons of mass destruction, shock and awe warfare and full-blooded rage… Only to be followed up by the words “year book”
I say let the school and/or local athorities deal with it. A national scandal does not a yearbook prank make….
(Although, I guess I don’t know the whole story, I didn’t watch past the first minute of this “news” story.)
I guess high school yearbook pranks just aren’t that high up on my newsworth list…
Is it time to go fishing yet????
June 10, 2010 at 3:21 pm #878834They scavenge around and whatever story they happen to find is the one we hear about. Simple as that. I’m sure this one made national news.
As far as the prank goes I would say over the top and a bad choice but we are talking about teenagers here so the last things I feel is suprise. If the target is a strong person he’ll just blow it off and move on. Making a big deal about it in the media is the worst possible thing that can be done if they want this guy to get over it which they obviously dont care about.
ps-I have to admit when I first heard about it yesterday there was a tiny part of me that laughed at the thought of
Mo Lester.June 10, 2010 at 3:25 pm #878838this could bring up another post about what you did for your high school prank, and getting your girlfriend pregnant doesn’t count.
June 10, 2010 at 3:30 pm #878840Quote:
this could bring up another post about what you did for your high school prank, and getting your girlfriend pregnant doesn’t count.
Now if it was your friend’s girlfriend . . . thats a good prank.
June 10, 2010 at 3:56 pm #878848No doubt… I doubt I ever would have heard about Mo Lester from the graduating class of 2010 in Rochester…. but thanks to the good ol’ news, myself and about 4 million others have heard about Mo Lester….
big G
June 10, 2010 at 8:36 pm #878956Its always funny and no big deal, till it happens to you or one of your kids.
Ya, I bet the kid will get over it, but he shouldn’t have to.
We did pleanty of stuff in high school, but we knew there would be hell to pay if we got caught, so picked what we did with that in mind, seems the “me” generation doesn’t have that worry anymore.
June 10, 2010 at 8:43 pm #878960Kind of hard to argue with your logic. I knew the stuff I was pulling was wrong and if caught, I’d pay a big price. Now I watch my daughters see just how much they can get away with before dad beats their
But, I’m a mean SOB if someone does something to them.
June 11, 2010 at 12:08 pm #879096I agree too that it is kind of a funny prank. But at some point wouldn’t you think… if I get caught and they make me pay for reprinting all the year books, its gonna get kind of spendy.
June 11, 2010 at 1:02 pm #879121If you read my post, you can see no where, that I say it is funny or not a big deal (I don’t have kids either)….. what is funny to me, is that the few thousand people who would have seen the yearbook, has now been turned into 4 million+, thanks to the news performing such a great service
Nothing like giving the kid even more exposure….
big G
June 11, 2010 at 1:16 pm #879126Quote:
If you read my post, you can see no where, that I say it is funny or not a big deal (I don’t have kids either)….. what is funny to me, is that the few thousand people who would have seen the yearbook, has now been turned into 4 million+, thanks to the news performing such a great service
Nothing like giving the kid even more exposure….
big G
Wasn’t meant for just you, but unfortnately I haven’t figured out how to post with out a name in the “RE” space, sorry.
Having to pay for the reprinting of the yearbook would have been a step in the right direction.
Respect and responsibility seems to be a thing of the past with many now days.
June 11, 2010 at 1:20 pm #879127I thought that might be the case…
but I am feeling fiesty this morning
I hate it when the news media thinks something is so terrible and shouldn’t have happened & is an embarrassment for someone, they then proceed to tell the whole world in detail what happened, in case they missed it…
I agree, best thing to do, would have been to reprint and let sonny boy pay for it….
big G
June 11, 2010 at 2:09 pm #879148hey big G did you see that the Queens accepted an offer to joint the Big 12?
June 11, 2010 at 2:53 pm #879174
hey big G did you see that the Queens accepted an offer to joint the Big 12?
Maybe the Gophers can win another game this year then.
June 11, 2010 at 4:12 pm #879216Quote:
hey big G did you see that the Queens accepted an offer to joint the Big 12?
Hey that’s great for you !! Then maybe the Fudgepackers can have a shot at the NFC North !!!
On a side note, it will be nice to have Nebraska in the BIG 10.. can finally see some quality football !!!
big G
June 11, 2010 at 5:20 pm #879240Quote:
I agree too that it is kind of a funny prank. But at some point wouldn’t you think… if I get caught and they make me pay for reprinting all the year books, its gonna get kind of spendy.
My daughter is in the freshman class at Mayo, the year book was $80 and I belive that there are around 800 students at Mayo so you are talking about $64000 give or take. So I would say that kind of spendy is a bit of an under statement.
June 11, 2010 at 5:59 pm #879259Quote:
I agree too that it is kind of a funny prank. But at some point wouldn’t you think… if I get caught and they make me pay for reprinting all the year books, its gonna get kind of spendy.
My daughter is in the freshman class at Mayo, the year book was $80 and I belive that there are around 800 students at Mayo so you are talking about $64000 give or take. So I would say that kind of spendy is a bit of an under statement.
I’m betting it only happens once then…
June 11, 2010 at 6:23 pm #879272
——————————————————————————–I agree too that it is kind of a funny prank. But at some point wouldn’t you think… if I get caught and they make me pay for reprinting all the year books, its gonna get kind of spendy.
My daughter is in the freshman class at Mayo, the year book was $80 and I belive that there are around 800 students at Mayo so you are talking about $64000 give or take. So I would say that kind of spendy is a bit of an under statement.
I’m guessing that is why they went with the sticker route. If the kid that got labeled Mo Lester wanted to be jerk about it, he could probably try and force a reprint.
I don’t think that would go over to well with the pranksters family. Yeah mom/dad, we need to take out a second mortgage on the house to pay for my stupidity.
Posts: 1583June 11, 2010 at 7:11 pm #879288Quote:
I agree too that it is kind of a funny prank. But at some point wouldn’t you think… if I get caught and they make me pay for reprinting all the year books, its gonna get kind of spendy.
My daughter is in the freshman class at Mayo, the year book was $80 and I belive that there are around 800 students at Mayo so you are talking about $64000 give or take. So I would say that kind of spendy is a bit of an under statement.
I stand corrected I just found out that they printed off 1000 copies so if they would have made him pay for new books it would have been $80000!!!
June 12, 2010 at 8:15 am #879421You want fair? The freshman will have to live with this for the rest of his life… it may not ruin his life, but it sure did ruin what should have been the high point of his school career so far. So what’s fair? Let the a–hole who did this live with it for the rest of his life too. He should have to freaking pay to reprint the G-D yearbooks if it takes his whole effing life to do it… make an example of a few and the rest will fall in line. He shoulda thought of that BEFORE he ruined some kid’s freshman year.
That IS fair.
Life is hard enough, especially as a teenager. It’s time we stop patting the people who make it worse on the back for it. And honestly, a slap on the wrist may as well be a pat on the back… there’s nothing the school district could do to this kid that would be harsh enough.
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