If BP price is in line with other suppliers….. and have millions if not billions to invest in clean-up and fines… then I tell you, they are not gouging any more than anyone else…. pretty simple math for me
big G
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » BP oil spill
If BP price is in line with other suppliers….. and have millions if not billions to invest in clean-up and fines… then I tell you, they are not gouging any more than anyone else…. pretty simple math for me
big G
It was reported on NBC this morning that BP paid a stock dividen of 10.5 BILLION dollars this last QUARTER. I find it hard to believe it was BILLIONS and not Millions but either way…………..tell me again they aren’t gouging.
Can someone who knows how to research stocks tell me how many shares are out there?
Under the stock symbol BP = Common Stock 5,179,000
I am sure they are quite diverse and have many stock symbols, for different arms of business…
big G
93 subsidiaries listed on Bloomberg, but all the data should roll up to BP as the parent.
I see 18.788 billion shares outstanding with BP owning 35% of total shares for 12.3 billion of shares held outside of the company.
Thanks Dave So basic, simple math would be avg. of .56 cents dividend per share…
big G
It was reported on NBC this morning that BP paid a stock dividen of 10.5 BILLION dollars this last QUARTER. I find it hard to believe it was BILLIONS and not Millions but either way…………..tell me again they aren’t gouging.
BP (ADR) – 3.13 B outstanding??
Quarterly Dividend – $0.84
Yearly Dividend – $10.517 Billion
Currently Yielding 9.74%. CEO has come out and said dividend is safe despite all the elevated costs. Takes some ball$ of steel to trust a CEO today. Been thinking about jumping into BP with a little $. Just have to know I might never see it again.
It is what it is… An accident. One that probably could have been prevented but an accident none the less.
Thanks Dave
So basic, simple math would be avg. of .56 cents dividend per share…
big G
So if I by 100 shares @ $34.54 = $345,400
But I just got my check for $56!
Not to mention I get to sell at well below $34.54, because it ain’t going up any time soon.
Thanks Dave
So basic, simple math would be avg. of .56 cents dividend per share…
big G
So if I by 100 shares @ $34.54 = $345,400
But I just got my check for $56!
Not to mention I get to sell at well below $34.54, because it ain’t going up any time soon.
Actually 100 shares would be $3454.00
Depends on if you buy the US adr (American depository receipts) or just go directly to the London stock exchange and buy shares in pounds.
Either way, the % dividend is the same.
34.71 USD on 100 shares for $3471 annual dividend of $84/quarter or $336/year.
Thanks Dave
So basic, simple math would be avg. of .56 cents dividend per share…
big G
So if I by 100 shares @ $34.54 = $345,400
But I just got my check for $56!
Not to mention I get to sell at well below $34.54, because it ain’t going up any time soon.
Actually 100 shares would be $3454.00
That’s why I am a programmer and not an accountant???
It is what it is… An accident. One that probably could have been prevented but an accident none the less.
Isn’t that part of the definition of an accident? All it takes to be an accident is to have not done it on purpose… so barring sabotage it would have to be an accident.
Considering BP’s excellent profitability against the costs in terms of reputation, cleanup, human and animal life, the loss of the rig, lost production, and restoring operations or finding a replacement supply, you’d have to be stupid to think that they somehow knew that this was a possibility and just didn’t bother to fix it. It wasn’t even their rig, they were just buying the oil that came out of it and they’re still paying for the cleanup.
Slamming BP makes no difference and does no-one any good… supporting their efforts to clean up the Gulf and make restitution does. Boycotting them only takes the anger out on people who had nothing to do with the mess in the golf to begin with.
If anyone made bad choices that lead up to this, it was Transocean. They own and operate the drilling rig that failed. As I understand it, BP owns the oil rights to that area and hired Transocean to drill for them… at least take your torches and pitchforks to the right address!
And for the record, they have some of the most consistently high-quality gasoline available in the Twin Cities area.
I’m simply tired of the News coverage trying to make it sound/look like BP is Hairy Potter and just doesn’t know the right spell to use or wave his wand right. Im sure they can be doing a whole lot more but so can a lot of other peoples. There is a saying that works well here.
Sometimes you just need to wipe your own
It is what it is… An accident. One that probably could have been prevented but an accident none the less.
Isn’t that part of the definition of an accident? All it takes to be an accident is to have not done it on purpose… so barring sabotage it would have to be an accident.
Considering BP’s excellent profitability against the costs in terms of reputation, cleanup, human and animal life, the loss of the rig, lost production, and restoring operations or finding a replacement supply, you’d have to be stupid to think that they somehow knew that this was a possibility and just didn’t bother to fix it. It wasn’t even their rig, they were just buying the oil that came out of it and they’re still paying for the cleanup.
Acording to the report by Dr. Robert Bea PHD dated May 20, 2010 BP should bear a portion of the burdon of this catastrophy and Transocean is not listed. I do not look at it like it was an accident since there were choices to take short cuts to maintain their profits. Sure they were well over their time schedule but they did not know what the rock formations were like down there. And not having that information they should know that concessions need to be made for such situations.
Here is a little excerpt of the report Based upon the evidence I have been able to gather, develop and analyze, this disaster was preventable had existing progressive guidelines and practices been followed. Some of these guidelines are implemented internationally where the same industry players, including BP PLC, operate. Moreover, other existing U.S. guidelines that were simply waived by the responsible regulatory authority could have prevented this incident.
The information available to me so far indicates that BP PLC and the Department of Interior’s Minerals Management Service (MMS) failed to properly assess and manage the natural hazards in a prudent manner. Consequently, the public, resources and environment were and are being severely punished.
If you want to read the whole report here is the link.
Accident to me would imply..”not on purpose”…. I doubt BP or anyone did this on purpose ??? Do I hear a conspiracy theory forming ???
There is risk in getting out of bed every morning, heck there is risk for staying in…
I too love how the media and every crackpot engineer, have way better ideas and can’t help but slam BP….reminds me of an old saying..if your not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem….
big G
Accident to me would imply..”not on purpose”…. I doubt BP or anyone did this on purpose ??? Do I hear a conspiracy theory forming ???
There is risk in getting out of bed every morning, heck there is risk for staying in…
I too love how the media and every crackpot engineer, have way better ideas and can’t help but slam BP….reminds me of an old saying..if your not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem….
big G
The problem with all the ideas from outside sources is they have to go through a legal process first. BP has contracts with outside companies to perform any cleanup in the event of a spill. If someone else has an idea they can’t just go and try it, that would break the contract. It’s a real legal mess.
They showed some dude on the news last night, showing how Hay could be used to soak up the oil… they then asked, what do we do with all the oil soaked hay ??? I am no genius, but if the hay worked, I am sure there is an incinerator that could get rid of the hay….??? Wouldn’t it also be better to have a stack of oil hay as opposed to a floating blob ??? Too many questions….
big G
What are they doing with the oil skimmed from the gulf and the oil balls from the land?
Accident to me would imply..”not on purpose”…. I doubt BP or anyone did this on purpose ???
Well then BP is accident prone. And if they are to continue with the operation of the Atlantis we could have bigger spills to worry about.
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