For a while I have searched the internet for what seemed to be reliable information about the oil spill. I have also look for a live feed of the well head that really worked. I found several of them but they always said it took a while for the video to start and to wait for it, they never would. CBS always have the video on television so wouldn’t you know it but that is where I accidentally found it.
Secondly 60 Minutes also has what looks to be a very reliable explanation of what happened to cause the accident. Here is the link to 60 minutes version of what happened that lead up to the disaster.
It wasn’t one thing that lead to the accident, nor two, nor three. Months seperated all of the accidents and bad decisions that lead to the disaster. I don’t want to go into too many details right now but it all started by drilling too fast and working six weeks on a well that should be done in three weeks, and fracturing the rock around the bottom of the well ruining it. Then having to cap it and drill another one.