This in very interesting. I love to fish for fish, and can appreciate the qualities of most fish, except bass
I think Musky and Flathead guys have a lot in common. Both like to fish for top of the line predators and can go many hours on end without seeing one. Both spend many hours and many dollars to chase their choosen species. Both have great respect for their quarry.
That being said, I can understand why musky anglers fish for them. Muskies put up a great fight for about 30 seconds and it is very exciting. The glitz of a $40 grand sparkly boat with a 200 HP motor, throwing $30 lures for hours on end, hoping to see a fish over the course of a day, and then that 30 seconds of excitement. Pure exhilaration 
Compare this to flathead fishing. Sitting in a $2,500 boat with a 25 HP motor, drinking beer, toss a rod out with a bullhead or (God forbid MN Guys) a sunfish, tells some lies, watch the sun set with your feet up, listen to the radio and BS. Maybe a little more my style 
But I guess maybe some guys just enjoy all the build up for 30 seconds of excitement, Compensating for something……