Reading the other posts with an Engineering (30+ years) perspective and advice: 
1) Class 5 is a base material, used under surfacing material.
2) The Recycled/reclaimed Asphalt is a great choice and idea if you can get it. Carver County used it on a Township soon to be County Road. Traffic Volumes went up as people saw it was a good route and it has held up great for 4-5 years, lest the occaisional frost blow-out. Get a guy with a roller to pack it good. Great for Low Dust and shedding water.
3) If you want gravel surfacing, ask for Class 2 material. That is the State DOT Spec. for Highway Shoulders. May appear same as Class 5, but works better for top surface.
4) Granite or other (Dresser Trap Rock) Rock surfacing is a good choice, but you’ll be replacing/maintaining (adding to it) it on a regular basis.
Whatever you choose other than Cl5, if you can disk up the existing a few inches and roller compact it prior to placing other surfacing, you’ll end up with a much longer lasting good surface.
Good Luck. 