Driveway rock layer- What should I get?

  • walleyebuster5
    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Hey guys/gals,

    I’m thinking I need to put something down over my class 5 that I have now. It’s almost to the point where it’s just sand and I’ve pulled a drag over it many many times over the past few months.

    Crushed granite is one way to go but I’m wondering what will work best considering that I will be plowing it in the winter. It’s about 250′ long and a turn around off to the side. Any thoughts you have are greatly appreciated! Price and quality are factors. I haven’t done this in the past.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I would go with class 5 again but whatever you put down make sure the base will handle it. On my new driveway I put 4-5″ breaker down first before the class 5. Also make sure the 5 has enough fines in it so it can pack good but not too many that it just falls apart. Also when plowing gravel driveways run your skid shoes a little higher. A load of gravel around here is about $200 for a 12-14 yard load. I would guess you would need around 3-5 loads to cover it, but that’s just a guess from what I needed.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I believe our driveway is class 5 and holding together well. You also want some weed growth to come up so it attracts the crappies

    Driveway Fishing

    Ramsey, Mn
    Posts: 113

    When you can find it; Reclaimed asphalt works very well. We had it done 6 or 7 years ago (@cabin) and it does not wash out and handles the ATV plow very well (after the first year) once it gets settled in.

    Josh Runksmeier
    Pequot Lakes, MN
    Posts: 279

    Concreat But this is comming from a mason

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Reading the other posts with an Engineering (30+ years) perspective and advice:

    1) Class 5 is a base material, used under surfacing material.
    2) The Recycled/reclaimed Asphalt is a great choice and idea if you can get it. Carver County used it on a Township soon to be County Road. Traffic Volumes went up as people saw it was a good route and it has held up great for 4-5 years, lest the occaisional frost blow-out. Get a guy with a roller to pack it good. Great for Low Dust and shedding water.
    3) If you want gravel surfacing, ask for Class 2 material. That is the State DOT Spec. for Highway Shoulders. May appear same as Class 5, but works better for top surface.
    4) Granite or other (Dresser Trap Rock) Rock surfacing is a good choice, but you’ll be replacing/maintaining (adding to it) it on a regular basis.

    Whatever you choose other than Cl5, if you can disk up the existing a few inches and roller compact it prior to placing other surfacing, you’ll end up with a much longer lasting good surface.

    Good Luck.


    bigdog mn
    Posts: 27

    You need a solid base. To fix a road we had that was mainly sand/class 5 we put down 3 minus rock and then recycled concrete. We had a source for the recycle that was very clean, I guess sometimes you can get a bunch of wire/metal in it. Anyhow, that road has stood up to traffic at a 400 member gun club for the past 4 years.

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