Berkly Gulp baits

  • SpinnerDave
    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    I tried some of the new Gulp maggots today while ice fishing and was not too impressed. They seem to be too big for an ice jig and are almost invisible to my FL-8. Waxies are very easy to see,easier than the ice jig itself . But the gulp maggot makes the whole jig almost invisible,especially on a sunny day. I hope they work better in open water , never had a bite on one today. I caught several channel cats and one bull gill 10 3/4 inches long. Waxies 15 Gulp 0

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Invisible to sonar? I wonder why that would be the case? Maybe Berkley stumbled on the same “stuff” the government uses on the stealth bombers! That would explain why you didn’t catch any fish on it, right? Fish can’t eat what they can’t see!

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    My son and I did a side-by-side comparison…I had a 7″ powerbait worm and he had a 7″ Gulp worm. The powerbait won 4-0 on largemouth. This was only a short test as my son was tired of just casting and wanted to do more catching. He tried the Gulp worm a few more times throughout the summer and never had real good success.

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    It must be too soft is the only thing I can think of.It absorbs the pulses like a soft bottom or mud. They just do not show up very well. I think a small piece might be the ticket but I dont know if I have enough confidence in the to go it alone without a wax worm. In the warm water season they may work just fine.

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