Tresspassing: Worst case Possible!

  • Pumpintheline
    Posts: 40

    I have owned a piece of property in Iowa for the past 10 years. Bought the property so I could have “my own little piece of heaven.” Planted CRP, Filter Strips, Wetlands, Food plots, made wood duck houses, goose nests and made a little camping spot so we could invite and share it with friends and family, camp,fish, hunt, and basically just go there to get away from it all if even for a few hours. As advised by the legal people, I put up a gate, and all of the signs to keep tresspassers out. BUT!! I have had tree stands stolen, decoys stolen, trash left behind. Dead fish left on the bank. Kicked some tresspassers out and filed charges years ago to slow down the tresspassing.

    Got a call Thursday from my B-inlaw and this is what happened. Young man was murdered with a hatchet and died on my farm. B-inlaw was spraying for weeds, thistles, etc. etc, for me and found the body 1/2 in and 1/2 out of the water on a 25 acre Gravel pit we have on the property. Now each and everytime we go back I have the lovely thought of this young man losing his life there. My condolances go out to the family don’t get me wrong; but if they would not have tresspassed none of this would have happened.
    So off to Iowa from Wi. I went to talk with officals,and others,and others. Take a look at the link.
    Sorry for the venting.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    That terrible news. It’s sad people can’t a have their own slice of happiness without dealing with stuff like that.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1858

    I am sorry about the bad news! My family owns property in Northeast Iowa, where I’m from and it seems to me that people can’t read signs very well. I remember hanging signs all around the property, but No Trespassing must not apply to some people. I have had 2 deer stands taken and I wish to God that the people would be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They think because it’s good deer hunting ground, they can hunt it. I can’t imagine how hard it would be if someone was killed on the property, though. Again, sorry about the bad news.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Man that does suck.

    Sorry you have to go through it!

    Hope things turn around for you!

    Dundee, Wi
    Posts: 94

    Holy cow!, and I complain about indians coming on our property and stealing our propane tanks from the cottage? I think you got me beat. Sorry for the un-needed displeasure of your situation.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Very sad…. but to say it would not have happened if they hadn’t trespassed, is a reach… granted, it wouldn’t have happened on your property.

    big G

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Wow, I’m sorry to hear of your troubles. I heard that story last week, small world on IDO eh?

    chris dymale
    west bend, wi
    Posts: 57

    My sister in law had a similar problem. She closed on a home and immediately went to the house after the closing and upon arrival, she noticed the front door smashed open. when she went in, there was a dead body on the floor in the foyer,another of a naked woman across the breakfast bar.

    according to the real estate people they were there that morning, however the police said the bodies were there for over two days. so, the real estate company either lied about the cleaning of the house or they knew there were bodies there and sold the house anyways.

    needless to say, the courts (after a two month battle) made the real estate company give back her money because she couldnt ever live in that house knowing what had happened.

    this happened in texas about 2 years ago. sort of takes the fun out of buying your first home!!!

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